Chapter 4: Judge and Savior

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Much to my annoyance with waking up even earlier than usual, my entire sleep schedule has been blown out of proportion having to make preparations for the upcoming safety instructor job for Ozpin. There was no avoiding the side effects of drowsiness. I quickly brewed a cup of coffee for myself and mixed it with an energy drink before downing it without thinking. Feeling the kick of the caffeine coursing through my veins, I took off in a clumsy hurry for Beacon.

If I remember correctly, Ozpin requested that I show up like any other student with my weapons stashed away in the school's rocket lockers. Having racked my head to remember which number contained my valuables. I couldn't help but observe the students, analyzing their weapons, walking patterns, speaking, and even standing posture to seek out who would possibly be a weak link. That however was interrupted by a musical introduction with the zest of flirtation.

???: "Helloo~"

A grunt escaped to such a nuisance this early in the morning. I had no choice but to turn and greet this morning bird.

(Y/N): "Yes? Can I help you?" I tried putting on a friendly face for it to fail miserably. The person who greeted me was a blonde, tall woman with lilac eyes. She looked familiar, but I dismissed that quickly as we had never seen one another. My eyes wandered to her wares, finding it difficult to class her from her appearance alone. She was well built and her arms built like tree trunks and her outfit was rather revealing to her legs and arms. Something about her seemed familiar like I'd met her outside of this school somewhere. She immediately took notice of my staring, covering up herself and shooting me a seductive smile.

???: "My, my... Aren't you bold? We've just met and we haven't properly known each other."

(Y/N): "Yes, hello... my name is Mist. Have I met you before?"

???: "No... but I would have liked to yesterday on the ship~ The name's Yang!" A girl clad in red and black pulled on blondie's sleeve.

Red: "Yang, now's not the time. I thought we were looking for people that would join our team." The girl didn't look to be the best fighter. A bit too young to be attending such a prestigious school like Beacon, but then again... I had my first kill when I was about thirteen. Surely someone like her is more than capable of handling herself out in the field.

Yang: "Oh and this is my little sister Ruby! I was hoping you would join my team."

(Y/N): "I'm sorry to disappoint, but I'm already on a team." I opened up my locker, hoping the two of them would leave. However, it seems that I was a catch that blondie wouldn't like to let go of yet.

Yang: "Well, after this. Maybe you and I can go out for drinks."

The words hit the right bell for me.

(Y/N): "So that's why you look familiar... You were there wrecking up the club at Junior's."

Yang: "You were there?!"

(Y/N): "Yeah... too bad I had to leave before you trashed it. However, I'm not swayed by drinks, I only acknowledge people by their strength and potential."

Yang: "Then I will see you later tonight then, handsome~" She growled, earning her a forced smile from me.

Ruby: "That's a little... " Ruby sighed at me and Yang's lack of attention and then felt her excitement emerging when I pulled out my weapon. Whoa, is that your weapon, Mist? It's so cool! Does it transform? What does it transform into?!" Her words were quick with excitement preluded by Ruby's boundless energy and speed of zipping around me while trying to compute out my weapon's functionalities. Her energy was shut down by Yang when she extended her arm to grab hold of her.

Yang: "Easy there little sis. Your weapon is just as impressive as his."

Ruby: "But he hasn't even shown it off."

(Y/N): "It is nothing more than a katana with built-in sniper to its scabbard." I slid my gauntlet on my non-domitable hand, picking up a pouch of throwing spikes that had been laced with a lethal poison.

Ruby: "When you put it that way, you seem to not be praising it as much." She held what appeared to be her weapon, caressing it affectionately.

(Y/N): "Hmph... care to explain your own?" I looked her in the eye, seeing a sweet smile as she transformed it to its full length.

Ruby: "Cresent Rose is a scythe built with a compact sniper rifle. I built it myself!"

(Y/N): "Mn hm... I think that's enough show and tell... It is about time that we leave for initiation. Hopefully, I see you two alive by the end."

I left without a proper goodbye, turning my back on them as I started my walk towards the launch site. It was long and tedious, but upon arrival, the majority of the students were already sitting around idly doing minor weapon maintenance or forming groups either gossiping or talking about team strategies when the test started. I found an isolated corner and plopped myself down, pulling out my weapon for one final check-up.

After a few minutes of everyone gathering, Ozpin gave one final speech to the students before prematurely springing them off, flying deep into the forest... I don't want to question his sanity, but I believe it is best to leave him and his thoughts alone. I was the last one at the mark, but I wasn't launched, hearing him sip from his mug which had me turn my attention to him.

Ozpin: "Hmm, not quite the face I imagined, (Y/N)." I was flabbergasted by his words, sputtering a few of my words.

(Y/N): "Uh... t-thank you?"

Ozpin: "Before I forget, your sister dropped off a parting gift before you officially start working for us. Glynda, if you may."

The witch walked up carrying a duffel bag in her hand, extending the package to me as I zipped it open to reveal the present. It was a bit of a surprise at what she packed, but I didn't put it immediately to use; rezipping the package and handing it back to Ms. Goodwitch.

(Y/N): "Keep that safe for me will you? I will come back for it after I'm done. Is there anything else you would like to add before I get launched?" Ozpin smiled slightly at my words, taking another sip from his mug.

Ozpin: "Do the best you can to save them. I trust your judgment."

Without another word, the springboard beneath me had me catapulted into the deep foliage of Emerald Forest. If all of his work is as wild as these, then I'm in for a long year...

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