Chapter 44

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The time between Christmas and New Year's was awkward. Everyone works for a few days in-between the holidays and sometimes, one doesn't even know what day it is. That's how Kai currently felt.

Christi had headed back to California the day before. She had gone out for ice cream with Sara one night and Kai was glad that she was getting out some instead of staying at home cooped up in her room. He had told Christi not to push things with Sara, especially when it came to him. He had also made her swear not to tell her about the house or the dogs.

Bruno and Ashby loved Christi, and the feeling was mutual. Ashby especially took a liking to her and rarely left her side. She had even allowed Ashby to sleep on the bed with her. He had a hard time jumping up on the bed, but Kai had some dog stairs to make it easier for him.

Christi had refused to tell him anything about Sara after their outing. The only thing she consented was that she looked better than when she had video chatted with her shortly after getting out of the hospital.

He stared at the computer screen, his chin resting on his hands as he blinked and stared. He was trying to figure out why a server had gone offline the night before and had caused a frantic phone call from the client that morning.

Kai had been staring at the computer screen for what felt like hours, and he wasn't making much headway. The only place he wanted to be was home, curled up on the couch with Sara watching tv or roasting smores.

Can't always get what you wish for, Kai thought bitterly.

He wasn't upset with Sara. She needed space and he was giving it to her. He wanted to be there for her, the separation was agonizing. However, he was patient because that was what she needed. Casey was keeping him updated on how she was doing, and that was enough for him. For now.

Kai let out a sigh and pushed back from his desk. Tapping his fingers on the desk before standing up and heading over to Sam's desk.

"Hey" Kai greeted as Sam nodded. "Are you working on anything right now? I'm really struggling with this server for Canyon Pediatrics, and I can't figure out what's going on."

"Yeah, I can take a look at it." Sam studied him for a while before saying, "You look like crap."

"Gee, thanks" Kai scoffed.

"No really. I've got the server, why don't you go home and rest." Sam offered.

Kai didn't want to leave work early. He knew that no amount of rest would really make him feel, or in this case, look better than he currently was.

However, it was a nice day outside, still freezing, but at least the sun was out. He wanted to take Bruno and Ashby out for their evening walk before it got dark.

"Okay, I'll swing it by Angela on my way out."

Thankfully Angela didn't protest him leaving work a few hours early. He said he'd be available by phone and remote if they needed anything.

Kai made a mental note to thank Sam for taking over so he could head home.

Kai loaded Bruno and Ashby up in the truck, clipping them into their seatbelt harness, before taking them to the park he liked to walk with them. It wasn't too far from Sara's apartment, and it held good memories for him. Sara and Kai used to walk the park in the evenings after class and work and just enjoy each other's company, talking and asking questions.

The park was usually empty whenever he came, thanks to Colorado's cold winter the playground sat empty and there wasn't a soul in sight. This was usually a good thing, it meant he could work on Bruno's off leash training and recall without disturbing those around him. Ashby seemed to have that nailed down.

After a couple laps Kai took the dogs to the field to play fetch before leaving. Sara was not at the swings. Maybe he had missed her, again. Kai hoped to run into her one day, but so far had had no luck. She must go on her walk earlier in the day. This was why Kai jumped at the chance to leave work early. He had wanted to see if an earlier time would be productive.

Coming here was really by design. Casey had told him that Sara often took a walk to the park and sat on the swings for a bit before coming home. Knowing she was sitting in the swings where they had their first kiss made him smile and it gave him a sliver of hope.

After a few throws, Bruno became bored and sat on the ground by Kai. Ashby was still happy to play fetch and Kai threw the ball several more times. The next time he looked down, Bruno was gone.

Kai quickly whistled for Ashby, and he hooked him back up on the leash while searching for Bruno, who was nowhere to be found.

He couldn't have gone far, Kai thought. He yelled for Bruno, but no dog came. Ashby stayed by his side as he started around the park, hoping to find Bruno before it became dark.

A few minutes later as he and Ashby approached the tree line, Ashby stopped dead in his tracks. His nose sniffed the air.

"What do you smell Ashby?" Kai bent down to face the dog. "Do you smell Bruno?"

Ashby gave a whine and then pulled. Kai wasn't expecting him to bolt and lost his grip on the leash. Ashby took off, running through the trees toward the playground.

Kai called out to Ashby, but the dog continued to run.

Great, now I've lost both dogs. Kai shook his head and started running after Ashby. They definitely needed to work on not running off and recall.

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