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Marigold's POV

It has been one week since Harry strolled into the shop. I haven't seen or heard from him since then. Honestly, it's starting to feel like I made the whole thing up. I tried my best not to think about it, but it does consume a portion of my brain. A large portion. But that's Harry, always taking up space in my head no matter how hard I try to shove him out.

Every time my phone gets a notification my heart stops for a second, hoping that Harry's name would flash on my screen. It never did. Who am I kidding? There's no way he still has my phone number after all these years.

Every time the bell at the shop rang alerting everyone that a new customer entered, my head would whip to the door wishing it was Harry walking in the building. He never did.

Was it a bad thing?

What is a bad thing that I was suddenly missing his presence? Craving the sound of his voice?

I get a 2 minute conversation with the guy and he's somehow wiggled his way front in center in my head. Seven years later and this boy still had a grip on my heart, something I would never want to admit to him. While he's moved on with his life, a part of me has been stuck on him for the last seven years despite how much I try to deny it.

I mentally scolded myself for making a big deal out of it. A 2 minute conversation. All it took was a short chat with Harry, and suddenly I was a love struck teenager in high school again. You're better than that, Marigold. You're too strong to let another man come into your life and distract you from what really matters.

I shook my head, ridding myself of the thoughts I let myself have. Business seemed to pick up a lot within the last week. Lots of new faces came through the door. It's actually left me low in stock on a lot of supplies and flowers. It was hard keeping up with all the new orders each day and I booked my first wedding this week, there was really no room to breathe.

I didn't mind the extra work though. If anything it kept my mind occupied. Work and home, work and home, work and home. I like to keep busy.

It was midday already, usually the busyness of the cafe portion of the shop would have slowed down by now. But much to my surprise, the dining area was still relatively full and there was a small line formed at the register. I had been busy in the back, working on several orders, my hands never slowing down as bouquets filled the table in front of me, all waiting to go to their new homes.

"Mari! Custom order!" One of the girls called from the front. A lot of the employees were still in training in regards to the florist side of the business, so when custom orders came through, I would usually do it while they watched. It was hard for me to branch out and train people to make bouquets. It might seem stupid but this is my mom's legacy and I wanted to make sure everything was perfect all the time.

I pulled out the supplies for the particular order, humming along to the music that played over the speakers. The door to the studio bursts open as Allie comes in, yelling my name. I yell back at her and her blonde hair catches my eye as she comes around the corner. She pushes a couple vases out of the way on the table, hoisting herself up so she sits next to me as I finish an arrangement of roses.

"Didn't Mya tell you no customers are allowed back here?" I smirk at her as she over exaggerates a loud gasp.

"Well seeing as I'm the owner's best friend I have rights to roam wherever I want when I please," she huffs proudly. I roll my eyes, focusing back on the roses and adding a few stems of baby's breath to it. "Has lover boy come back yet?" I shot her a glare at her choice of words, shaking my head.

As if on cue, Adore You begins playing over the speakers in the shop. I think she planned that.

"Huh, coincidence?" She laughed. "It's a sign." She whispered mischievously before hopping off the table and helping me with some finishing touches on the bouquets. I rolled my eyes at her and bumped my hip with hers as we sang along to the song.

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