The Spider

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I grabbed my bag close to me as I walked home. It was dark and I was tired. I knew I shouldn't have stayed up this late, but I just wanted to get my last project of the semester over with and if that meant pulling an all-nighter at the library then that was what I would do. However, that also meant that now I was walking home by myself in the dark streets of New York. 

I made it to my door safe and pulled out my keys opening the door to my studio apartment. I threw my bag down on the couch and rummaged through the fridge looking for a late-night snack. I pulled out an apple and plopped myself up on the couch turning on the TV to the news. Just before I could get comfortable a knock sounded at my window. 

My head turned as I ducked behind the couch hoping the intruder hadn't seen me and would just leave me alone. But as I looked at the window I realized that the person at my window hadn't knocked, they'd fallen against the window. And the person was not just a person was in fact the vigilante everyone liked to call Spiderman. 

I raced to the window unlocking it and letting Spiderman fall into my apartment. The man could barely get out a word before he fell against the window exhausted. His suit was torn and I could see blood staining the suit near his shoulder. 

I helped him onto my couch and ran to grab my first aid kit and sat next to him, my hands working to check his pulse before I could even put together what I was doing. 

It didn't take long for Spiderman to regain some consciousness as I worked. He stopped my hand as I tried to remove his mask to make sure he was still breathing okay. 

"No," he breathed. 

I sighed, "Are you okay? What happened?"

"I'm sorry." He went to stand up, but I pushed him back to the couch. "I... how did I end up in here?"

"You passed out against my window," I explained dabbing his blood-stained suit with a wet rag.

He didn't respond as I continued to look him over to make sure he wasn't going to pass out again. "Listen I appreciate your help, but I would-"

"You're not going," I scolded. "You landed against the wrong person's window if you didn't want help. Listen I'll get you cleaned up and then you can go, but as a med student, I can't just watch you walk out my door with obvious major injuries. Could you take your suit off just a little so that I can stitch up your shoulder?"

"Could I at least get your name?" He asked as he let me work on his shoulder. 

"Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N." 

I tied off the thread and examined the cut. "How did this happen?"

"You're not going to ask about my name?"

"Defeats the whole purpose of the mask."

"Oh... right... right..." he pauses, "Thank you, I guess."

"No problem." I pushed him gently towards the door, "And try not to use that arm too much otherwise you'll end up tearing out the stitching

Spiderman looked back once with a mumbled thank you and then swung his way out of the room, being careful not to use his injured shoulder. 

I turn from my window and jump into my bed. Except I was no longer tired. I had just helped the spiderman! What the heck?


I woke up to the sound of my blaring alarm. I turned tiredly to the clock to see that it read 8:47. I turned back over, five more minutes. Wait... 8:47? Class starts at 9... I jumped out of bed. There was no way I was going to make it to class on time. I threw on a random shirt and pants and grabbed my lab coat, running out my door without a second thought. 

My Broken Spiderboy (tasm! spiderman x reader)Where stories live. Discover now