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Peter's POV

I stared at Y/n's apartment before I swang away. I was hoping that hearing the story from her point of view would deter me. Would keep these stupid fantasies out of my head over her becoming my friend again, and even possibly falling in love with me. Just as I was falling in love with her. But the look in her eyes when I suggested she forgive him, it was a look I couldn't forget. She hated me for what I had done, and so did I.

I jumped through my window and tore my mask off. How had I been so stupid that night? Why did I have to land on her porch of all others? I would have been fine with anyone else. No one else had that kind of hatred toward me. But of course, it was y/n. It was always y/n.

"Peter is that you!" Aunt May yelled from the kitchen.

I quickly changed into my pajamas and headed into the kitchen where May was making dinner. "Hey, May," I say as I kiss her on the cheek, and steal a sip of the soup she has cooking.

She swipes my hand away. "Peter, keep your hands off, I'm almost done. You're home earlier than expected though."

"I'm not feeling too great. Wanted to come home early to relax before classes tomorrow.'

May pressed her hand against my forehead and frowned. "You don't feel hot. Here take a bowl and go get some rest. I'll be by to check on you in a little bit."

I grabbed the bowl and quickly locked myself away in my room. I tried to eat the soup as I sat there, but still, I couldn't get y/n's face out of my mind. I wished I had stayed, and watched a movie or something. But no, the guilt of what I had done to her years ago lingered along with her beautiful face. I had broken the trust of the one person that I wanted to be with, and I was on the verge of doing that again if she ever found out who I was.

I drifted into my fantasies of a world where I had given y/n the time. I had let her stay here when she needed me the most. Where slowly we fell in love and I told her about who I truly was, and why sometimes I disappeared for hours on end. A world where I could be Spiderman, and I could love y/n. But that world did not exist here. It probably didn't exist anywhere



I leaned against my couch as I watched Spiderman swing away. I wish we hadn't veered onto the topic of Peter. Anytime we had any conversation about him, Spider seemed to stay away for a couple of days. Like he took my feelings towards Peter to mean that was how his ex-friend thought of him.

I sighed and cleaned up the kitchen as I thought. It was nice to be friends with Spiderman. I knew I was always safe as long as I stook around here in New York, which is hard to say in the city. I knew that I had someone to talk to who wouldn't judge, and even if he did he wasn't mean about it. But it was hard to know when he would come around. Because of all the secrecy, it wasn't like I could just call him up whenever I wanted. I had to wait until he came and sought me.

Spiderman was like the perfect friend even though we couldn't always see each other. He was strong, tall, most likely handsome, he was always protecting people, and just all around a super nice guy. Honestly, if I had known him in any other circumstance, I would do everything I could to date him.

I shook the thought away. It had become more frequent that I would begin to fantasize about who was under the mask. Maybe it was someone I knew, maybe it wasn't and we both just fell in love because we loved each other's company. But I knew it was all wrong. I could never know the man under the mask because the mask was there for a reason. And if he had wanted me to know, I would know. It was all just a sick fantasy game that I played by myself. One that was bound to get me in trouble. 

My Broken Spiderboy (tasm! spiderman x reader)Where stories live. Discover now