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Peter glanced at me from across the room. We hadn't talked since he had snuck into the lab yesterday, trying to get more information on his parents. I was hoping he would tell me how that all went, but of course this was the one day he was late to school. Luckily we had the next two class periods together, so in-between class periods I could interrogate the information out of him. 

When the teacher wasn't looking, Peter folded his paper and threw it at me. I quickly caught it, and unfolded it across my desk. 

I haven't learned to much information yet, but Dr. Connors invited me to come back. Apparently him and my dad used to work together.

I sighed, this wasn't the greatest of information. I loved that Peter wanted to know more about his parents, specifically his dad, but I knew that until Peter got the information he wanted, any of Peter's other responsibilities would be flushed down the toilet. 

I glanced back at Peter, to see him staring back at me waiting for a response. I waved my hand, letting him know I would discuss more with him when the bell rang in five minutes. And as soon as it did, Peter was by my side with a backed backpack ready to go. 

"So.... what do you think?" he whispers, when I don't respond immediately. 

However at that exact moment, I realize that he's not wearing his glasses. I wave my hand in front of his face a couple of times, before he grabs my wrist and lowers my hand looking at me with his eyebrows raised. 

"Where are your glasses?"

"Oh," Peter shrugs, "I don't know. When I put them on this morning, everything was blurry, I think I need to get a new prescription."

"Hmm..." I throw my backpack across my shoulder, and we begin to walk to our next glass. "That's extremely odd, you know that right?"

"Maybe my eyesight just got better. Or maybe Dr. Connors is testing one of his animal serums on me."

I rolled my eyes, "Now you're just getting goofy. Just have May take you to the doctor okay, I don't want to you walking around not being able to see."

"As you wish your majesty," Peter half-bows to me, a silly grin covering his face. 

I shoulder bump him, and twist around him so that I can step into the classroom. But Peter stops me, pulling me back outside for just a second. 

"You never answered my question. What do you think about me going back to talk to Dr. Connors?"

Of course, I wasn't completely onboard, but I knew that if either of my parents died I would want to know everything. "Just keep me updated, okay? No secrets."

Peter throws his pinky in front of me, "No secrets, ever."

I link my pink to his, making a promise like two children on a playground. 



I couldn't believe my eyes as Spiderman ripped his mask off. I had prepared myself for the worst- or so I thought. But never in a million years, would I have guess that my ex-best friend was the masked vigilante. 


"No!" I cut him off, yanking myself out of my stupor. "No."

Peter reaches out for my hand, "Just hear me out, please."

I pull away, staring down at my hands, "Get out!"

"You said-"

"I don't give a shit about what I said! You betrayed my trust! This whole time... this whole time it was you, and you just sat there listening to complain to you. Never once taking the hint that you hurt me!"

Peter didn't make a move towards the door or the window, he just stood there. I couldn't believe that I'd fallen for it all. For his sweet talk, and stories of adventure. Him making me feel safe in his arms, and goofing around with me. It was all just a trick, to get back what he had taken for granted. And I had allowed it. Not only that, but I'd fallen in love with his alter ego. The mysterious man at my window. 

Tears slipped down my face. I was frustrated. At myself. At him. At this whole situation. 

"I'm sorry."

I didn't respond. I didn't even look up. 

"I never meant for this to go as far as it did. I didn't even mean to fall on your porch that first night, and I never meant to come back."

I scoffed. "But you did, even after I yelled at you about overstepping. And then you just decided to continue to overstep, after seeing how much you had hurt me."

Peter slowly sat down on the arm of the couch, watching me. Waiting for me to do something. but I waited all the same. What did he think he could do to make this all right?

"I missed you, more than I had ever realized. And I was doing fine, until that second night. I didn't mean to overstep, I thought by befriending you as Spiderman I could make up for everything I did wrong in high school. But then it became more. I-"

"Stop." I didn't want to know how I made him feel. How suddenly he had feelings for me after all these years. I just wanted him to leave, like he did five years ago. I wanted to forget about Peter Parker. but I knew I could never forget about him or Spiderman. 

We stared at each other in silence, and I studied ever bruise and scar on his face from a distance. The ones that I didn't heal, because I had wanted to keep his identity a secret. What had happened if I had taken off his mask that first night? Would we have gone back to being friends? Would we have never talked again? Who knows. the only thing I did know, was that I wouldn't be staring at him with the same love and hatred in my heart that I had right now. 

Slowly I let my mind drift, and I thought back to high school. Back to when Spiderman first appeared. I remember thinking it was so cool, and how I wanted to speculate about who he might be with Peter. But I couldn't, because that same time, Peter started to drift. We hung out less and less. He became distant, and obsessed. He became Spiderman, and lost me. 

Finally, I broke the silence, "Did you know you were going to be Spiderman, when we made that promise to never keep secrets?"


"If we had never had that argument, were you ever going to tell me?" I asked, looking down at my hands, not wanting to hear the answer.

"I... I don't know."

Then silence. I looked back at him one last time. 

"Please, just leave."


A/n- so originally my plan was to have Peter and Y/n go through the events of No Way Home and through that, they make up. However, now I'm not so sure if I want to continue with that. So I'm going to let you all decide. 

Would you like for y/n and Peter follow the events of No Way Home?



Comment by your answer! Thanks!

Voting ends May 30, 2023. 

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