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The rest of Christmas Break went by quickly. Peter and I spent it mostly together, and most of the time he spent it spoiling me. Like on New Year's, he swung us to the top of the H&M building to watch the ball drop. Then of course just as the ball dropped he threw confetti all over to the two of us and pulled me into a kiss. Or how on a random Wednesday we met up with MJ and the three of us went window shopping, and two days later he came to my house to bring me a sweater from my Hogwarts house that I had seen in the Harry Potter store. 

So it was clear to see that both of us were sad to have to go back to school this morning. While I didn't technically have any classes that I needed to take, I knew my internship would take up a lot of the time that I would rather be spending with Peter. And to make it worse, MJ had told me about a week ago that she was being moved to a different hospital because they needed more interns over there. 

Peter came by early in the morning to swing me over to the hospital so that we could make plans for tonight's date. 

"So where are we going?" I asked as Peter swung us around. I had gotten a little bit better at not fearing the ground beneath us and instead replaced my fear with talking to Peter as we rode through the air. 

"Somewhere nice." I could almost hear the smile in Peter's voice. "Where you're dark green dress, and I'll come to pick you up around six."

I giggled, "The green dress, huh? Super fancy then. How are you getting this money, my dear Spiderboy?"

Peter didn't respond, and suddenly I felt guilty. We hadn't talked about money much, and for the both of us that had always been a hard subject. Neither Peter nor I had a lot of money, and with us both in school that wasn't changing anytime soon. Of course, Peter had a job at the Daily Bugle, but that wasn't a lot to take us both to anything super fancy that would require me to wear my green dress. 

As we landed in the alley, I took Peter's face in my hands, lifting his mask just about his lips, and I leaned in. "I'm sorry for asking that."

I placed a small kiss on his lips and made a move to head to the hospital, but Peter pulled me back. 

"Don't apologize, it's an honest question, and we should be able to be open about that stuff. But for this one time, don't worry about it, okay? For dates, I want to treat you, and I will do just about anything for you."

I smiled, kissing him again, "As long as you follow the law."

He salutes, pulling his mask back down, "Always following the law!"

I laughed, shaking my head as I went to work. The goofball.


As soon as I got back from the internship, I took a hot shower and slipped into my long-sleeved green dress. I lightly curled my hair to give it a wavy look. Then I pulled on my brown boots before I sat at my counter waiting on Peter. 

An hour passed, and suddenly it was six-thirty and there was no sign of Peter who wasn't even answering my calls

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An hour passed, and suddenly it was six-thirty and there was no sign of Peter who wasn't even answering my calls. I set my phone down, pacing the room wondering what could possibly have happened to him. Crime had been low recently, but what if something bad had really happened? What if he was knocked out in an alley somewhere and no one knew to call for help? Or maybe something happened to May? Or-

My thoughts were cut off by a knock on my front door. I ran to it quickly, but it was only MJ. 

"Why are you here?" I asked, my words coming out panicked. 

MJ smiled, "No reason to worry, Peter texted me he got caught up doing something. He sent me over here to keep you company while you wait."

I glanced at her, as I went into the cabinet to grab a glass for some water. "Why did he text you?"

"Well, he's got something planned, and he doesn't want to ruin any of the surprise," she said unconvincingly. 

I took a sip of the water and leaned against the counter as I let my thoughts wander. Surely I hadn't ruined anything by my question this morning? I really thought we had moved passed it pretty quickly, but maybe he was trying to cancel the plans so he didn't spend too much money and worry me. Or the money he had gotten had fallen through, and he was in a panic trying to find a way to make that money back. 

"Y/n, put the glass down, and look at me," MJ said placing her hand over mine. "There is no need to worry."

I sighed, "I'm sorry, I'm just worried I upset him this morning."

"You didn't."

"And how do you know that?" I asked, the panic suddenly turning into anger. Why did she know everything? 

"Because we talked about it," she said casually. "Look he's been planning this for weeks, a silly little comment about money isn't going to bother him. He'll be here in about thirty minutes, he just needed more time to set up."

My throat tightened. I don't know why I was suddenly so paranoid. Peter had shown no sign of wanting out of our relationship. But all I could think of was our adventure a little over a month ago. How MJ was sitting right in front of me, suddenly gotten to be closer friends with Peter than I had realized. And I had no idea what Peter wanted to talk about tonight. Why did he want it to be so perfect? 

And why was I suddenly so paranoid?

My Broken Spiderboy (tasm! spiderman x reader)Where stories live. Discover now