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MJ looks at me and then back at Peter. "You're Peter Parker?"

"Yes. Yes. Peter Parker!" Peter said exasperated, glancing between the three of us.

"How is that possible?" MJ responds still not believing Peter and I. And who could blame her, the two Peters looked nothing alike.

Peter begins to walk around the room and away from the open portal. "I'm Spiderman in my world. but then yesterday I was- I was just here. String theory multidimensional reality, and matter displacement. All real?"

I nodded, "Yeah."

"I knew it!" he smiled, watching the portal.

I walk over to Peter, unsure of how he was here. The running theory was that the people who had passed through the multiverse because of the spell, passed because they knew who Spiderman was under the mask. Up until this point that didn't include Spiderman himself. Yet here Peter stood in front of us in awe of the multiverse and the spell that brought him here.

Ned and MJ turned from Peter, to discuss what to do to find their own Peter, but I focused on mine.

"So magic, interesting," Peter said nudging me, "High school you would have exploded."

I nodded, unsure of how to react. I was still upset about the lying, but seeing him here was nice. It meant that I wasn't alone in this mess.

Peter nudged me, trying to get me out of my silence. "Hey, are you okay?"

"I'm glad your here," I pause. "I'm... just..."

"You're still mad. I get it. I do but-"

As another portal opens behind Ned, Peter tenses, crouching against the counter as another shadowy figure emerges. An old middle-aged man dressed as a youth pastor makes his way through the portal looking around with the same awe glistening in his eyes as Peter had.

"Hello. I hope it's okay, I just came through this... it just closed."

"You're Peter?" MJ asks.

"Yes. Peter Parker. I've seen you two... wait that's not your friend..." the new Peter trails off as he stares at my Peter.

Peter pushes me back, shooting his web at the older Peter and jumping up onto the counter. The other Peter attacks, getting out of the way of the web just in time. He webs Peter's wrist, blocking off his access to his web shooters.

Ned turns to the older one, "Wait, you're Spiderman too? why didn't you just say that."

"Well, I don't generally go around advertising that. Kind of defeats the whole anonymous superhero thing."

Ned's grandma speaks in Tagalog, looking around the room in distress. Ned sighs, "My lola is asking if you could clean up the webs you just shot."

"Oh sorry, Lola," both the Spidermans respond.

I smile and turn around as everyone tells her goodnight, and I begin to clean up Spiderman's web mess. I listen as the group discusses this world's Peter Parker and where he might be.

"Does he have somewhere he might go to just-"

"Get away from everything."

"For me, it was the Chrysler building," the older Peter says.

"Empire State," my Peter says quickly. And I tense. That was right, and that's where this whole mess... all of it started. that stupid morning on the Empire State Building.

I push away from Peter and out of the building, whatever happened in there I no longer wanted to be a part of it anymore. I just wanted to be home. Away from this mess, and the villains and just to get back to my life. Finish my internship, and get my degree. And just forget this ever happened.

I turn back to the door as I hear it open, and see MJ walk out with Ned close behind. MJ smiles and me, before the two of them head off. My Peter walks out next, holding out his hand for me.

"We're headed to the school to get this world's Spiderman." Peter pauses, and then reaches for me. "Would you let me swing you there?"

I turn from him and start heading towards MJ and Ned. "No I'll follow them."

"Come, y/n, seriously?"

"I'm walking."

"It's dangerous," Peter begs.

"Then stay close. But I'm still unsure that I want to forgive you, and I'm not dealing with that until we get home."

Peter sighs, "Y/n, seriously. Please just let me swing you there."

"No!" I push past him, and head closer to MJ. "If you want to swing there, then swing there."

Peter doesn't respond, and webs the building above us as if we was going to go ahead and swing ahead of us. However I could still feel his stare from behind. Just behind us, as he waited for me to change my mind. But I walked the whole way there with Ned and MJ by my side.

When we get to the building I can see the younger Peter's shadow as he sits at the top. We all make our way up to the top, MJ and Ned running as fast as they could to console their friend. As soon as they finishing hugging, both of the other spidermen make their appearance known. Telling Peter that he would be okay, that even though May was gone, there were still people out their for him. Tears well up in my eyes, as he willingly takes in their words in his grief. My heart swells with joy, as he hugs MJ again. While they all shared the mantle of Spiderman in common, I could tell that this Peter would be able to be through his grief with the help of his friends.

But before we could go home, we needed to help him once more by curing the villains that had made our lives so difficult in the first place.

A/N- okay this chapter isn't the best, but it's needed to fill in this time rather than skip to the cool parts. Hope you all will enjoy! Next chapter will be up by next Friday ;)

Also if I have to write the name Peter one more time I might throw hands.

My Broken Spiderboy (tasm! spiderman x reader)Where stories live. Discover now