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After eating ice cream, Aunt May brought out extra pillows and blankets for y/n and me to get comfortable and watch a movie. Y/n, however, continued to look at all the old pictures sitting on the mantle. I wasn't quite sure what she was thinking. If maybe it was all bad memories that she wanted to hide away like the box of photos in her closet or maybe she was reliving the fun from our younger days. 

Suddenly she stopped, and she picked up a picture from prom. She and Harry had decided to go together since Gwen and I would be going, and they didn't want to go alone. A pang of guilt rang through my chest as she looked at that picture. I was never sure how close they had been, like y/n had said once I became Spiderman, I'd almost completely stopped asking her question about her life. For all I knew she and Harry could have dated at some point. That fact didn't matter though, because regardless of what their feelings were for each other they had been close. Yet for some reason, I'd barely heard her talk about him since we had reconnected. 

I got up from my place on the couch and came up wrapping my arms behind her. She shivered at my touch, placing the photo down and moving on to the next. I let go and grabbed her hand picking up the photo to examine for myself. I could feel her eyes on me as I looked at the photo of the two of them making silly faces at the camera as she tried to pin the boutonniere on his suit jacket. I could barely even remember the moment even though I had been there because May had taken the photo. 

"You know, no one ever officially addressed what happened to Harry," she said in a soft voice as she looked at the other pictures around the room. 

I raised an eyebrow, placing the photo back in its spot, "Surely they did?" 

But she was right, I never remembered hearing about a huge press release. Even after he died from his illness in prison, no one had ever come out and explained why he had been there in the first place. 

Y/n shrugged, and shook her head, "I shouldn't even care really. It was his business, and they must have kept it secret for a reason."

"He was there that night with Gwen," I blurted. 

"What?" she said turning to me her eyes wide. 

I took a deep breath, not even sure why I had just blurted that out. "He was sick, and there was this alien... thing that had sort of been a part of me at one point. I don't know the whole thing was weird. Regardless, he got ahold of it hoping that by injecting himself with it he could cure himself of the illness. But it just made everything worse. He got even more sick, and he became crazy and obsessed. He found out who I was, and he was mad that I wouldn't help him so he tried to force my hand. He took Gwen hostage... and-"

"Oh," y/n looked down squeezing her hands, and finally walked over to the couch. 

I followed her and wrapped her in my arms as she thought. I could tell she didn't want to believe me, but she also knew that there was no denying it. After a moment she looked up at me with a small sad smile, and squeezed my hand. 

"I wish you never had to deal with all of that alone," she whispers. 

I shake my head, "That was my own doing. You tried to help remember, and I just pushed you away. I pushed everyone away. I was full of regret that I couldn't see that I had the best support system right in front of me."

Y/n's smile grows wider, and she snuggles close to me, pulling up one of the blankets to get comfy. "How about a movie? Take our minds off of the old stuff."

"What would you enjoy?" I ask. 

She shrugs, "You choose."

And so I did, and we ended up watching Stars Wars for the millionth time. Well, y/n did. I mostly just watched her watch the movie. I had been so worried about getting y/n, I had forgotten about the dangers of having her in my life. Even the universe had tried to remind me when she had fallen off of the scaffolding and had almost fallen to her death just as Gwen had. But I shook the thoughts away. We both knew what we were getting into and at the moment she was safe in my arms. And for right now that is all that mattered. 

A/N- okay, this kind of sucks because I had no idea where I was going with this, but I promise more plot stuff will actually happen soon. 

Anyways don't forget to comment and vote! Love y'all.

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