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I slipped around the building in clothes that MJ had let me borrow. The man, Dr. Strange, huffed as he walked up the stairs as he tried to get the kids to work on finding out how many threats there were from the multiverse. The Multiverse!

I could barely focus on what they were saying as I tried to process the idea. While the MJ of this world seemed very similar to mine, there were obvious major difference, one of them including that her Peter looked nothing like mine not even discussing the age difference. Despite the differences, I struggled to fully grasp the concept of the multiverse. Sure Peter and I had exchanged theories over the years, but they were just that: theories. Nothing more. Except I was wrong, the multiverse was year and somehow- magic, according to Strange- I had universe hopped. And then there was the subject of magic. This world not only had superheroes like Peter who were genetically modified with science, there were beings who possessed magic. It was all just too much to handle.

I shook the ideas away. Understanding it didn't matter, I just needed to get back home and figure out what I was going to do with the whole Peter/Spiderman situation.

I slid back over to where Peter was encouraging his friends, before strange interrupted him.

"No let's focus on the bad news," Strange said angrily. "As of now you've detected one multiversal trespassers. So pull out your phones, scour the internet, and Scooby Doo this shit!"

MJ laughs, catching me off guard. I turn to her, to see a half-smile on her face as she defends Peter. "You're telling us what to do, even though it was your spell that got messed up. Meaning that this is kind of your mess. You know, I couple magic words myself starting with the word please."

Strange nods, seemingly impressed by her willingness to stand up to him. "Please, Scooby Doo this shit."

Strange turns, and we are lead down to the basement. I walk away from the group and go to investigate as they all discuss the next plan of action. Down the small set of stairs, and in the dark are sets of dungeons. And in the one furthest from me stands a familiar body.

Dr. Connors.

I turn back to the group, and see as MJ watches me. The fear in my eyes must be evident because she takes a step towards me before Peter pulls her back into the conversation. I was okay with that though, trying to explain this reaction I was having probably would have made no since to her, because honestly I didn't understand my reaction either. And I wouldn't until, Peter left to go search for more people who had crossed from different multiverses.


I listened in as MJ and Ned helped Peter navigate the forest to find the threat. I didn't care much about what was happening though, I just wanted to go home and pretend this was all just one crazy dream. Whenever I would catch a glimpse of Dr. Connors in his lizard form my breath would catch, and I could feel myself beginning to panic. And no matter how hard I tried to figure it out, I couldn't understand where this reaction was coming from.

Peter's dad had worked with him, and he'd been one of the first villains that Spiderman had fought. Though I'd never really come into contact with him except for when we would take field trips for school.

I jumped out of my thoughts when a large tree apparated into the cell directly behind me. What felt like only a second later, a man appeared in the cell by the tree.

"Electro." I whispered, and finally it clicked.

The idea that I was here because of my Peter was obvious. Strange had said it himself that everyone who knew that Peter Parker was Spiderman was jumping into this multiverse because of the spell. And I had always known that being friends with Spiderman would bring unpredictable dangers to my life. Dangers like falling into the multiverse, or getting dragged into a fight. What I had never considered, until this exact moment, was that Peter and I's connection might result in death. 


A/N- new chapter, yay! And finally getting into the crazy stuff. I know that this chapter is short and kinda sucks, but I promise the following chapters will make up for it, I just kind of needed this chapter to fill in the gaps before the really cool stuff happens. Anyway enjoy the rest of your day!

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