Friendships Die

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WARNING: Mentions of abuse and blood! Read at your own risk!!

When Peter started avoiding me, I had no excuses to stay away from my house. I had no one else I could spend the night with when my dad would get drunk, I just had to deal with it. And the night of graduation things escalated to a point they never had before.

My mother was off on a night shift when I had gotten home from a graduation party. I hoped my father would be out, but I was wrong. He was sitting on the couch with beer bottles littering the floor. The tv was off, and I knew I was about to get it. It was ten minutes past my curfew and I had no excuse other than the fact that I had been hanging out with random people.

"You're late."

I held my breath as I began to pick up the beer bottles from around my father. "I'm sorry. I'll clean up everything as quickly as possibly."

"No." My father slid out of his chair. "You disobeyed me. I don't care if you just graduated high school, that doesn't not mean you get to suddenly become your own person."

"I'm sorry really. I didn't see the time, and when I did I ran home as quickly as possible."

My father reached over and grabbed my hair pulling me closer to his face. "Don't you speak back to me. Finish cleaning up those bottles and then we will discuss your punishment."

I nodded and scooped up the rest of the bottles and threw them in the trash. When I got back into the living room my dad was already on to his next beer. I coughed hoping to get his attention without raising my voice. He turned to me almost immediately.

"I thought I told you to go to your room!" He yelled at me.

That's when I knew this was going to be worse than any other night. He was delirious, not making since, and was only saying half of what he wanted to say out loud. Just as I came to that realization, my father chucked the beer bottle at my head. I barely had time to duck, and it still grazed my forehead, and I could feel the warm blood spilling down my face.

"It's because of you that your mother has to work these extra shifts. It's because of you that I'm like this. Had you been born a boy like your friend things would have been so much easier. So much more fun for the both of us."

I backed against the wall, and reached back in my pocket for the knife that Peter had given me for my birthday.

"Or if you had at least been pretty you wouldn't be here all the time. You'd be out with a boy, out with friends and not in my hair. But you're just too selfish for that aren't you."

My father balled his hand into a fist and landed a punch square between my eyes. The blood from my forehead dripped down into my left eye causing it to burn. I didn't even think as I reached up with the knife in my right hand and just cut whatever was there. Whatever my hand could reach. I didn't open my eyes until my father let go of my kneck. His shirt was torn and one of his hands was slashed from my knife.

"I'll be nice," my father smiled sadistically. "Never come back and I won't kill you. You have five seconds. Five... four... three... two."

I raced out the door as fast as I could go. I had no plan, no route to safety. My only thought was "escape".

Eventually I found myself at Peter's front door. I knocked panicked, hoping someone was home, that someone could help me. And there without a seconds hesitation was Peter's Aunt May. She cleaned me up that night and I stayed on the couch. I stayed there for days, I never told her what exactly had happened, and I guess at least Peter kept that a secret. But still, even now that I was at his house all the time, I never saw him.

Then all at once things came colliding. Harry went crazy on a serum his father had created. He tried to use Peter to find you, but Peter wouldn't help him. So Harry used Gwen. He... he killed her without almost a seconds thought. Peter blamed himself for both of their deaths. He said it was all his fault, and he never left the house for the next week. And I tried to talk to him, tried to let him know that i was there for him. But he ddin't care.

"Y/n, just leave me alone!" He screamed at me.

"I'm sorry, I'll go." I turned to look at him one last time. "But if you need me I'm here."

Peter rolled his eyes. "I'm not stupid, y/n. For some reason you think this is your home, but it isn't! I'm done with your selfish attitude, with you thinking I owe you because your homelife wasn't great. Because you can't support yourself."

"I was just trying to help!" I screamed back.

"But all you do is ruin things! Now get out!"


"I took his words to heart. I packed up and I left. I never saw Aunt May again, and I avoided running into Peter everywhere. Until now, where he somehow is everywhere.

"I know he was hurting and I know he felt guilty for everything that had happened. But he was the last person I loved, the person that I had entrusted every little secret to, and he used it against me. I was on my own from then on. Until you dropped by and somehow, even though I have never truly seen you, you became my friend."

Spiderman grabbed my hand. "I'm so sorry."

"Don't be. I'm glad that he proved to me that we weren't really friends, because I couldn't have dealt with the pain of being betrayed later on. And anyways you're the one who pulled me out of that muck."

The boy in front of me nodded. "Still I am sorry. I just hope that maybe you can forgive Peter eventually."

I nodded, but I didn't want to agree. How could I ever forgive Peter for those words? Even if he had been griefing. Somehow, one of the only people in my life, the person I cam to trust the most, I didn't even know the real identity of. 

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