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It'd been about a month since I started my internship and since then Spidey had started visiting me nightly. He would always come under the pretense that he had sustained an injury. Honestly, though, I think it was just an excuse for us to talk. I'm still not exactly sure why or how it happened but somehow I'd become best friends with New York's crime-fighting Spider. 

"Who'd you fight this time?" I asked as I applied Neosporin to a couple of scratches on Spiderman. 

He shrugged, "Just some annoying robbers."

"No big bad recently?"

"Why are you asking me? Wouldn't you hear about it on the news?"

I stood up and went over to the sink to wash my hands, "Not really. I don't watch much. Already get enough bad news working the hospital."

Spider nods making himself comfortable and I throw a bag of popcorn in the microwave and plop back down next to him as I put some bandages on his arms. 

"Even so, wouldn't your friends fill you in?"

I stood back up and took out the now-finished bag of popcorn. I ignore his question and hand him the remote to look for a show. 

Of course, I had heard some stuff around the hospital about Spiderman, but nothing more than whispers. No one talked loudly about the villains that Spiderman fought. Especially when you never knew if the person standing next to you would be next. 

"So... no answer?" He asks.

I reach for the remote, snatching it out of his hands. "If you won't choose a movie, I will."

Immedidealty, Spider steals it back, turning my head to face him. "No, I want an answer. Since when are you uncomfortable talking?"

"I thought we already discussed that I don't have friends."

I can't see his face but I swear I can see his jaw drop through the mask. "I thought you were joking. Come on. There is no way you have zero friends."

"I don't have zero, I have you."

"I'm you're only friend?" He stands up pacing the room. "We have to fix that. You can't have your only friend be someone you don't even know the real identity of."

"How do you plan to fix that? Hmm?"

He paces a little more, tapping his chin as he thinks. I'd only seen him do this act once before. That time he was trying to comprehend how I had never had a boyfriend. 

"What about your partner from labs? You could ask her to hang out."

I shook my head. "No way. Mason would not like that. From what I can tell she only ever goes out to go to work, she's also way too cool to hang out with someone like me."

"Sounds like someone else I know. And you're cool too! Your best friend is Spiderman."

I chuck popcorn at him. "Can we just watch a movie? I don't like the idea of you trying to set up a playdate for me."

He looks over at the microwave to check the time: 11:50. "I'd love to but my family will kill me for being home late. And please talk to Mason for me?"

"We'll see."

I follow him out to the window watching as he swings off into the night. Maybe he was right. I missed having friends and being able to just sit and listen to their problems and them listen to mine. And who was I to not take the advice of Spiderman?


When I arrived in the lab the next morning I was surprised to see that Mason wasn't there yet. Usually, I was the one late, and she had already begun asking the nurse about what bloodwork had been done overnight. 

I walked up to Dr. Perry as I threw on my lab coat. "Do you know where Mason is at?"

She handed me a stack of paperwork and some blood samples, only half listening to me as she checked her own work. "Family issues this morning; she'll meet you later. In the meantime start testing this for different diseases the paperwork already rules out most but there are still some that we haven't quite ruled out yet."

I nodded, readjusting the paperwork in my arms before setting down at my seat at the counter. I found the list of the diseases that they had already ruled out and got to work. It was obvious from the beginning that this was going to be the start of a very long morning. Nothing was more grueling than trying to figure out what was wrong with an unconscious Jane Doe. 

Forty-five minutes later the large grey doors swung open, Mason marched over to the seat next to me. She slid so fast into her chair however that the sudden gust of air knocked all of the papers off of the counter and onto the floor. 

"Sorry," she said, picking them up, and gently placing them back next to me. "Some stuff came up that I couldn't get away from, and when I finally did I had missed my train so I had to take a taxi and then there was an accident three blocks up and I decided you know what I'll just and walk then- you don't care, sorry. What are you working on?"

I shook myself out of my shock and looked back at the papers and the blood sample. "Another Jane Doe case in the ER. I think I'm close, but one of the tests came back inconclusive so I have to run it again."

"I got it, you start on the next one," Mason responded, jumping out of the chair. 

"Mason." I reached out and grabbed her arm, and she turned back around. "You know if you wanted... to uh... talk about whatever is going on, I'm here to listen. We could talk over drinks tonight if you wanted?"

She smiled and relaxed back into her normal self. "That actually sounds amazing. You're house when we get off?"


My Broken Spiderboy (tasm! spiderman x reader)Where stories live. Discover now