Perfect Simplicity

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I didn't see Spiderman for two weeks after we kissed. I'm not exactly sure if he never tried or if when he did, I just happened not to be home. It could have been a mixture of both, but I feel like mostly he was avoiding me. But I wanted so badly to tell him everything that had happened these last two weeks.

Peter and I would go skateboarding twice a week, and slowly started to rebuild our relationship. It was almost as if nothing had happened. Sure sometimes when I saw him, I felt the urge to give up on him. To fall back into my old ways of hate. Yet every time, I was also reminded of the hurt in Spider's voice when he talked about his friend. And even the look on Peter's face when he sat there begging for forgiveness. Yes there was work to be done, but I had my best friend back and that was all that mattered.

As I came home from work, I hoped that Spider would drop by. While I had thought not talking to him after the kiss would have been the right decision, the longer time passed the more I missed talking to him every night. Just as I unlocked the door to my apartment, I heard a knock from the window. He was back.

I rushed over to the window, letting Spider are through the window. He seemed to study me for a second before stepping in.

"Did you just get home?" He asks

I shrug, "Yeah, it's okay though. I've been wanting to talk to you."

As I say those words he seems to perk up, the weird tension dissipating away from us. We both walk over to the couch like normal, discussing random things about weather and fights for an hour. Finally I got the courage, to tel him about the last two weeks.

"You are never going to believe how crazy my last two weeks have been," I smiled, scooting closer to him.

He beams at me, taking a sip of the wine I had poured for us. "Try me."

"I made up with Peter."

Spider's jaw drops, and a hint of a smile plays on it. "That's wonderful. How did that happen?"

"Well I was so nervous after," I paused, as I look up. Did I want to bring up the kiss? "I was nervous while shopping, and I accidentally ran into him. Anyways he gives me his number, and I decided why not? I'll hear him out, like you said, and try to get things back to normal. And now we've decided to go skateboarding twice a week."

Spider smiles. "That's awesome! I guess you and I have had very similar weeks then. My friend and I also made up."

"Did you tell her yet about being Spiderman?" I blurt.

He turns his head away from me. "I'm not sure I even want to tell her at this point."

I sigh, "She's going to need to know eventually. I mean if I was her and things started falling back into their old pattern I'd get out of that relationship as quickly as possible."

"I know. I know," Spider turns back to me, his smile turning into a small frown. "I'm just afraid of how she'll react."

"She'll love it! I mean who wouldn't want their best friend to be Spiderman?"

He purses his lips together. "It's more difficult than that. I wish I could explain, but trust me... it's almost better she doesn't know."

I place my hand on his cheek. "If she runs away, was she even a real friend."

"I- oh y/n/n it just. I can't." The words seem to get caught in his throat, and I scoot even closer.

I shake my head. "I'm sorry. I am I wish I could help."

"You are just by being here."

The words affect me more than they should. Fireworks explode in my stomach as I look at him. Here we were too close for friends, too close for people that could never truly be together. But that didn't matter. Not right now. Who cares if it doesn't last? Right now was the moment to take the thing that I deserved.

And I did.

I closed the gap between us, placing a small kiss on the boy's lips. Spider's hand goes up to my face, caressing it. He pulls me in, this time for a longer sweeter kiss. All the built up tension, everything I missed the past two weeks, I was finally kissing him. Again.

I lean my head against his, catching my breath.

"What are we going to do?" He asks.

I shrug. "We'll figure it out as we go. I can't pretend anymore."

"Me neither."

He closes the gap again, his hands flying to my hair as the kiss heats up. Slowly, with hesitation, I begin to pull his mask off. I pull away, keeping my eyes closed.

"I won't look," I reassure.

I can feel his smile against my own lips, his breath mixing with mine as I play with his hair. Slowly he moves down. Kissing my jaw and neck. I have to force my eyes closed to keep from looking at the man before me. While neither of us were perfect, between us I could have never imagined a more amazing feeling. 

My Broken Spiderboy (tasm! spiderman x reader)Where stories live. Discover now