No Sleep

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I watched as Peter skated around the park. He had gotten much better since our high school days. He glided with grace always able to land even if his board was in an awkward position. It was almost scary how good he had gotten. I finally began my decent down the ramp as Peter took a break by the half pipe. As I began to go across I felt my knees lock and I barely had gotten up the other since when I crashed against the ground. 

"Jeez, I forgot how hard this was," I say dusting myself off. 

Peter ran over and held out his hand to help me up. "You were doing good. You just lost focus remember to always keep your knees loose."

"Right, I was doing fine the other day. I'm just exhausted." I'd planned on cancelling today, but I really wanted to think about something other than work and skating was a great option. 

Peter smiled, "From what?"

I choked as he asked the question. I was definitely not going to tell the truth. 


"Can I come out now?" I yelled from my bedroom. 

Another loud bang echoed throughout the apartment. "Just one more second!" An exasperated Spiderman yelled back. 

I giggled. Spiderman had spent the majority of the morning cleaning up his breakfast mess. I'd heeded his advice and stayed in bed to rest after yesterday's long day. However that plan was completely foiled when every five minutes Spider would drop something and then a string of curses would follow. 

Five minutes later Spider slid into view, goofily leaning against the doorway. "It is finished."

I slid out of bed, placing my hand on Spider's shoulder and glanced into the now-sparkling kitchen. "Thank you. Though I am surprised how clumsy you are for a superhero." 

"it's a little hard with the mask," He pouts.

I lift my hand to his cheek. "I'm only teasing. You did a great job of cleaning." 

"My aunt raised me well," he proudly says making his way over to the couch. "Now shouldn't you be resting?"

"I'd rather hang out with you," I say snuggling up under his arm.

He lifts his mask above his mouth, and presses a kiss onto the top of my head. "So if we're going to hang out all day, would you mind answering one question for me?"

"Yes of course."

"If whatever is happening between us continues, eventually I'll have to tell you who I am," he pauses. "What if I'm not what you expect?'

I look up at him, "Spider, no matter who you are under the mask, I know you. I know that you are kind and protecting, and that we agree on the important things. I'll stay with you no matter what, because I know you'd do the same for me."

Spider smiles, lifting my chin to kiss me. He doesn't say another word just takes me in as if trying to memorize my face. The rest of the day and late into the evening we talked and played board games, staying into avoid the chilling weather. Spider didn't leave until about midnight, and I barely slept because I couldn't stop thinking about the boy with the mask and fantasizing about the day he would let me in on his secret. 


My face reddened at Peter's question. "Oh, I just couldn't sleep last night. Work's been hard so I just get restless."

"Oh." Peter turns to grab my skateboard, but he seems deep in thought. 

"Why don't I help you? Like back when we were younger," He motions back to teh ramp. "Get you back in the groove."

"Sounds like a great plan."

My Broken Spiderboy (tasm! spiderman x reader)Where stories live. Discover now