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Exams were finally over and summer break was fully on its way. I hadn't seen Spiderman since the whole incident with the picture; not that I was expecting to see him or anything.

I sat on my fire escape with a book in hand, but really I was in my own world. I was with the characters fighting off evil bad guys and chasing villains down with swords. I longed to be able to live a life with adventure like that. Sure we had Spiderman, but he is superpowered and not just super good at martial arts or something. I wanted the swords and the masquerade and the-


"Holy shit!" 

My book goes flying in the air and I scramble after to catch it before it goes over the edge but I'm too late. A web attaches to the book and before I know it comes flying right back up at me. I quickly get out of the way before it smacks me and watch as it falls into the hands of spiderman. 

He offers it back to me, "Sorry I didn't mean to startle you."

I sigh, "I shouldn't get so distracted out here. You never know who might sneak up on you."

I place the book down in defeat. Sure spiderman had saved it from falling into the streets it was now just a sticky mess. 

"It'll dissolve in two hours."

I nodded. I relaxed back into my chair, trying to figure out why Spiderman was here again. "So... um... did you need me?" 

He jumped up as if suddenly remembering something. He pulled a broken bouquet of flowers from behind his back and handed them to me. "I'm sorry they look like this, I just wanted to thank you for the stitches and apologize for pushing the topic about that boy. I shouldn't have even come back after you fixed me up the first time." 

I smiled at the flowers and then at the boy in front of me. "It's okay. Honestly. I mean you do so much for New York and never ask for anything in return."

"Right right... I'm just... I'm really sorry for making you upset. I used to have a best friend like that, but then something happened and I kind of pushed her away, similarly, I guess to what you said about what that boy did to you. I guess I just wanted to know that if you turned out okay, maybe she did too."

I paused. "Um..."

Spider turns away, throwing his hands up to his face. "Oh my... I'm sorry, that was a little too personal, wasn't it? I'm sorry. I haven't talked to many people in a couple of years and sometimes I just-"

I put my hand up. "It's okay, I understand. Ever since Peter stopped talking to me, I haven't really talked to anyone since. I've been focused on my major much more than relationships."

Spiderman continues to look out towards the road, "So you haven't really gotten over what happened?" 

I shrugged, "I'm sure your friend understands why you had to do it. I mean you're Spiderman, I'm sure it's hard to maintain relationships."

"She didn't know." 

Spiderman goes silent, clenching the railing. I wasn't exactly sure what to do. Surely the girl had to have some sort of idea? How could you not notice that your best friend was coming home hurt every night? Or that he was suddenly very secretive? It just didn't make sense. 

I decided it didn't matter though. At least for me, it didn't. She wasn't my friend and I didn't know his story. 

"Would you like anything to drink?" I asked, opening up the door to my apartment and trying to steer the conversation into something lighter. 

The boy turned around, "Um... sure."

He followed me inside and I poured us both a glass of lemonade that I had made earlier that afternoon. I handed it to him and relaxed onto the couch. He held his cup in both hands and stiffly sat next to me. I took a sip of my own drink, watching as he just stared at his cup. 

"It's not going to just magically appear in your mouth."


I laughed as he seemed to struggle to try to figure out what to do. "Just lift the mask a little, just above your mouth."

He laughed himself and did just as I suggested. "Thank you."

After we both finished our drinks he placed his cup on the coffee table and stood up. "I guess I should get going. Thank you for the drink, and thank you for not being too upset about what happened."

"Of course. And if you ever need someone to help patch you up, I'm always here to help. I mean I feel like I owe you after all the times you have saved the city."


He opened the door and swung off into the late afternoon. Just like that, somehow, I had made friends with New York's favorite spider. 


A/N- hey I'm so sorry for how long it has taken me to update! Things got a little crazy with choir concerts, finals, and ap tests. Summer has officially started so I should be able to start updating regularly. Thank you all for being so patient! 

My Broken Spiderboy (tasm! spiderman x reader)Where stories live. Discover now