Hopelessly in Love

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I threw my head back onto y/N's couch, wishing I could run down and chase after her. But I knew that ripping up the stitches would just make matters worse.

Why had I kissed her?

Because you're in love with her, I thought to myself.

And I am. But I can't be, because while maybe she could love spiderman, she would never love all of me. She already hated part of me, she had told me directly and there was no changing that. But still I couldn't help but come here night after night, wanting- no longing to make a move. To tell her everything.

It was all utterly pointless.



I texted MJ, asking if she'd want to meet for brunch. Maybe get some mimosas. Because lord knew I needed it. Almost immediately she responded with a thumbs up and a text saying she'd meeting me in ten at our favorite breakfast place.

When we got there, I sat myself at the bar and ordered a mimosa for the two of us while I waited. Almost exactly ten minutes after she sent the text she was here with a wild look in her eye as she found me across the restaurant.

"Did it happen?" She asks, punching me on the shoulder before sitting down.


She rolls her eyes, "Did you and the boy work it out?"

"Actually," I paused, "Well it's a long story, but we kissed. And then I immediately ran out and that's when I texted you."

"Girl!" MJ tells, almost getting the attention of the entire restaurant.

The bartender walks over to us, his eyebrows furrowing as he looks between us. "Can I help you two ladies?"

"No sorry. Just got excited," MJ responds, flashing a flirty smile at the man. "We might order in a few."

He nods to her, "Just call me over whenever you two are ready."

As the man walks away, MJ takes a big sip of her mimosa as she waits for me to speak up. When I don't say anything, she scoots closer and lowers her voice.

"Who enacted the kiss?"

"He did."

"Then just let it happen girl," she says giving me a slight push on the shoulder.

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"It's complicated. If you knew-"

"Then tell me so I'll know."

"I can't."


"It's complicated."

"Ugh!" MJ groans. "We're getting nowhere."

I placed my hand on MJ's as she throws her head into her arms. "Listen. I wanted to come her to get my mind off of this. Not to talk about it okay?"

MJ nods, "Alright then. But later you owe me every last detail of that kiss."


MJ turns back to the bartender, "We're ready, my man."


After about two hours of eating, drinking, and laughing MJ had to call it quits and get back to her mom. She reminded me again to text her, and then headed out. Not too long after I paid for my own stuff and decided to head back home. Surely Spider had healed enough at this point that he had headed back to his own place.

I glanced down at my phone as MJ sent me a funny TikTok, and just as I rounded the corner I ran into someone walking the opposite way.

"Oh my. I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying any-" before I could finish, the eyes of the man I had bumped into met mine. Out of all my luck it had to have been Peter Parker.

He gave me a soft smile, "Sorry about that. Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Well I better get going!" I waved, making a move to get away.

"Wait!" Peter called out, running up beside me. "Look. I've been meaning to talk to you, I just... well we haven't really run into each other recently."

I glanced at my watch. But I had nothing to do, no excuse to leave this conversation.

When I didn't respond, he kept talking. "It's just that. I wanted to apologize for running our friendship. I know we won't ever be able to get back what we lost. I just wanted to let you know I regret everything and if you ever wanted to hang out again I wouldn't mind."

"Um..." What was I supposed to say? That I forgave him? But I don't, not yet.

Peter gives me a small smile, "I know it will be hard for you to forgive me. But I really want to earn your trust back y/n, I want my best friend back."

I back away a little. "That sounds great. But I'll have to think about it. There are so many things going on right now, and I don't know if I really want to let you back into my life. You hurt me, and that will never go away."

"I know. Just... call me if you ever want to talk." He pauses and then hands me his phone number, before walking away.

I pocketed the note quickly, and walked the rest of my way back to my apartment. Though I didn't want to deal with the awkwardness of talking to Spiderman about the kiss, I really wanted to tell him about what went down. And maybe ask his advice. Sure it all seemed real, but I wasn't sure I was ready to move on.

As I opened the door, the room was quiet except for the sound of cars in the street bellow. I looked towards the couch to see a note in place of where Spiderman had been.

Hey. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make things awkward. I will see you later.

I sighed. I wasn't surprised he had left. I would see him again eventually, and maybe some time away was good. Things had escalated to a point I wasn't exactly sure we could ever come back from unless we let ourselves calm down.

I fell into the couch, and began to text MJ. But then I felt the other note in my pocket. The one I had just gotten from Peter. I texted him a quick invite to coffee tomorrow morning. Then when I saw Spider again, I could deter our thoughts away from the kiss, and show him that he could become friends again with his ex best friend.

Yes. A distraction was the perfect remedy to falling hopelessly in love. 

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