My Spiderman

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I stared at the man in front of me in fear. If he was here, was Harry here as well? Or maybe some other, more dangerous creature had slipped through, ready to destroy me to get to Peter.

I jumped as someone placed a hand on me, and I backed against the wall putting my hands in front of me ready to fight. But it was only MJ, who stared at me with wild concern. I broke eye contact, pushing past her to get up the stairs and out of the dungeon. She followed but didn't speak to me as I took several deep breaths to try and calm myself down. When I finally did, I collapsed to the floor, just wishing I could return home.

MJ slowly placed her hand on my shoulder, and I turned to her. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I sighed.

There was silence. It was enough to almost create a solid wall between us, but MJ didn't let it stay there long. "Did you know that person in there? That electric guy?"

I nodded, taking another deep breath. "I never saw him, but he was all over the news. He was also there the day Gwen died. He was part of the reason she did die. And then... then I realized that I could be next. Whatever evil thing wanted to get to Peter, they might use me."


I looked over at her, suddenly realizing that the same might be true for her, and I reached over and hugged her. She stiffened at the touch, and so I backed away, but not before whispering to her, "I'm sure I'm just overthinking. I mean it was one time."

"Right." MJ shook her head and looked back at me. "So what is your relationship with your Peter?"

I shrugged, "Complicated. Don't worry about it though, we'll figure it out. Let's get back to Ned though, we probably shouldn't have left him alone."

She laughed, and we both headed back down the stairs. Though the tension still stood. We both knew the danger we were getting into and the unpredictable danger seemed to loom over us.

— — — —

Peter didn't return to Strange's tower until later in the morning. With him, he brought an old man who said he went by the name Norman Osborn. I stayed on the opposite side of the room, watching the computer Ned had set up, less out of duty and more because I knew what the Osborns were capable of even if I had never met this one.

I get lost in thought as I sit there, but when Strange comes back down the stairs, I'm quickly brought back to reality. He zaps Norman into another cage and carries a glowing box.

"What is that?" Peter asks defiantly.

Strange replies almost as if he's trying to keep Peter rather than truly wanting to answer Peter's question. "It's an ancient relic. Machina de Kadavus. I trapped your corrupted spell inside and once I complete the proper ritual it will reverse the spell and send these guys back to their universes."

This causes an uproar amongst the old villains, fearful of what will happen to them when they return.

"And then what we perish?" Dr. Octavious questions.

"No thanks, I'll pass on that," Electro says.

Norman begins to panic, "Let me out of here! Peter!"

Peter glances at Norman, and then back to Strange. "We can't send them back. Not yet."

"Why?" Strange asks the question that was burning in my chest.

"Because some of these guys are going to die."

"It's their fate," Strange responds sternly.

"Come on, Strange, have a heart."

I feel the defiance radiating off of Peter, and I want to scream at him. Tell him he was putting us all in danger. But he was right. Before everything had happened to them, these were good people, people that deserved saving. Right?

My Broken Spiderboy (tasm! spiderman x reader)Where stories live. Discover now