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I wake up to the sounds of loud banging, and someone calling my name. As I sit up, I groan from the pain and soreness that reaches from my head to my toes, but with some help from my chairs, I can push myself up off of the ground and head over to the door. When I open the door, a body falls on top of me knocking me back on the ground. I open my eyes to find MJ laying on top of me. 

"MJ? I thought I was home?" I panic, pushing her away, and searching for my phone, hoping it would work to let me contact Peter. 

The girl gives me a weird look, grabbing my arm and turning me back towards her. "What are you going on about? This is your home."

"I-" I cut myself off as everything begins to come into focus. 

This was not the MJ that I had just spent the last several days with, this was my MJ. The older one that I had met during our internship at the hospital. That one that I had texted to vent to before the nightmare had begun. I pull her into a hug, letting a deep sigh release all of the tension in my body. As I pull away, MJ finally gets a good look at me and her eyes widen. 

"Y/n, what happened to you?" she asks, dragging me over to the couch and forcing me to sit down. "You texted me that you needed to talk, and I just assumed it was about the boy you keep going on about, but you look like shit. I mean seriously you look like you just got run over by a truck, and based on the way you just talked to me I wonder if you might even have a concussion. Follow my finger please."

I let her do her quick little test, and when she's done I take her hand. "Hey, I'm okay. I... just got involved in something a little crazy that I honestly don't even understand myself."

"You're okay?" She questions, looking me up and down. "Fine, but at least let me clean you up. You have blood all over you, and I want to know what exactly it is you texted me about and then left me on delivered for."

I smile as she disappears into the bathroom to grab some materials. While it seemed no time had passed while Peter and I were on our three-day adventure across the multiverse, I was still feeling the exhaustion from the battle. It was nice to know that someone was looking out for me. Someone who I could trust to be there whenever I needed. 

MJ steps back into the room holding a wet rag and some bandaids and quickly gets to work on my face. "Now, get talking sister, what is it that you texted me so desperately to get out of your house for?"

"Oh, that's right," I pause. "Well... that guy that I kissed. He um... turned out to be a guy that I knew in high school. One that had left me brokenhearted, and I'm torn. Because he's so nice and sweet, but I'm afraid of what will happen if we get together. I just don't know what to do, and you seemed like you might know the answer so I texted you, and then something happened and now I'm even more confused and-"

MJ slowly removes the rag from my head, looking me directly in the eyes. "Slow down, okay let's think this through."


"What happened when you guys were in high school?"

Without going into too much detail about Peter and who he is, I tell her the whole story. From our meeting to the big argument. As I finish with my story, MJ finishes cleaning me up and heads over to the island to pour us both a drink. One that I gladly accepted as she continued to drill me for more information. 

"So best friends torn apart by the death of his girlfriend, so you then become strangers for five years, and now you meet up again not realizing that this is the same guy you knew in high school and you fall head over heels for him. How did you figure out that they were the same guy?"

I sighed, "Well he came over and he seemed distressed. He said that he couldn't keep lying to me and that he needed to come clean so that I didn't find out for my own and I hated him. And then he told me who he was."


"And then I made him leave and I immediately texted you," I paused. How the heck are you supposed to explain the multiverse without giving away Spiderman's identity? "And then I heard something downstairs, and I went to go check out what it was and I tripped and fell down the stairs. He caught me, but I got a little bruised up."

"So he left you like this?" She asked pursing her lips together. 

I shook my head. "No like that. I ran away back to my room. I wouldn't let him come in."

MJ tilted her head at me, silent as she processed everything that I had just confessed. She got up and cleaned the rag and threw it in the laundry basket sitting at my door. She took a detour back to the sink to wash her hands, before she finally sat back down next to me taking a large swig of her drink. 

"Girl, listen, I don't know much about relationships. I've never been with one man for too long, but I know that isn't for everyone. So go get this boy," she encourages. "It seems like you're just hung up on the past something that happened over five years ago! And I know he lied about his identity, but he confessed. Not only that, he confessed because he was thinking about how you would react, and he wanted to lessen the pain for you. And that right there, y/n/n, is something you don't want to lose."

I rested my head against the couch. Was she right? Should I give him the chance? Let him explain everything, and just see where that takes us. 

Pulling out my phone, I quickly drafted a text to send to Peter, telling him to meet me out on my porch. But before I sent it, I looked back at MJ. I feared that the past three days had just been a really bad nightmare set in by a concussion. Or that traveling through the multiverse made Peter realize that he didn't want to wait for me and that he had already moved on in his life as Spiderman. But as I looked at MJ, I was reminded of what the younger alternate version of her had told me just hours ago. 

Sometimes you just have to have a little hope. 

I deleted the text and ran over to the counter to grab my apartment keys. "I have to go. I have to do this in person."

MJ beamed back at me, "Go get 'em, girl."

I smiled racing off to the Subway. If the past three days had shaken Peter the same as they had done to me, I knew exactly where to go to find him. While the windows of the train showed how fast we moved, every second seemed like an hour. The longer I sat there, the more unlikely that Peter was still there. I just had to hope I was right, otherwise, I didn't know where else to look. 

As the train stopped on 33 St, I sprinted out of the train and out of the tunnels. I pushed past the crowds and stopped as I reached the base of the Empire State Building. As I looked up towards the top, I felt the hope in me drain as I realized that even if Peter was there I had no idea how I was going to get his attention, or if I even could. 

I looked around at the crowd around me, remembering how small everything had looked that early morning Spider had brought me here. How peaceful it had seemed to them, and how daunting it seemed now. I sighed, falling against the side of the building. 


My head shot up, as the voice called my name, and someone stood directly in front of me. I jumped up, as I recognized the disheveled boy who stood over me. 

"Peter, I was hoping you were here."

The boy raised an eyebrow as he looked me up and down. "You were? What for?"

"So I could do this."

I grabbed the boy's collar pulling him into me for a kiss. I closed my eyes letting the pain and fear evaporate from my body. Peter's hands found their way to my hips, pulling me closer to him as I let my hands play with the hairs at the nape of his neck. This was hope. 


Okay, I wrote this and couldn't wait till Friday to post this. I hope you all enjoy it!

I'm not sure if there will be another post this week, but I will keep you all updated. Don't forget to comment and share. 

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