Dropping In

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"You're telling me that the amazing, wonderful, Dr. Perry is just an idiot racist?" I laughed. 

Mason laughed right along with me, as we sat at the counter at my table. The sun had gone down hours ago, and I honestly wasn't even sure what time it was. I hadn't stayed up this late after work in a while. Even when Spiderman came over, I had at least gotten a quick nap beforehand. Yet somehow, I didn't even feel tired. 

"I'm surprised she hasn't been fired yet. I mean everyone has noticed, how she treats everyone."

I nodded. "So other than work, what do you have going for you?" 

Mason shrugged, "I honestly don't know. Getting into nursing school and passing has been my only goal for so long, I don't have anything else going for me. I guess maybe another goal I have to get out of my house."

"Is it that bad?"

"Not bad, but I just need space," she takes a sip from her wine. "Being the oldest of five is not fun, let me tell you. Every day someone else needs help with something that somehow I am the only person that can help." 

I cringed, "I always wanted siblings, but when you put it that way, that does not sound fun."

"If it was only one or two of them it would have been fine. But four is just too many." Mason looked around, before turning back to me, "Where's your bathroom?"

"Right around the corner." 

As Mason stepped into the bathroom I saw a flash of bright red right outside my window. I went to check it out and saw just as Spiderman landed on my back porch. Quickly I stepped outside, closing the door quietly behind me, hoping it would take Mason a bit to figure out where I was. 

"You need to leave," I said pushing, him toward the end of the porch. 

He put his hands up in surrender as he stood on the edge, "Woah. Did I do something wrong?"

I looked over at my shoulder. "No. You just need to get out of here, now."

"Listen I'm sorry if I offended you or something, I didn't mean to-"

"Spider, you better get out of here. You need to swing home."

Spiderman took his left arm, and pushed me back towards the middle of the porch, "I would love to, but two things. One, I ran out of web fluid. Two, I uh, pulled my arm out of socket and I don't know how to fix it."

I looked at his limp right arm and realized it was completely out of socket. I reached over and sat him down in the chair, took a deep breath, and pushed the arm back into place. A loud groan came out of his mouth, and just then the door opened behind me. 

"Hey, I finished off the toilet paper- Oh my god!" Mason screamed as she saw Spiderman sitting on the porch. I scooted to stand in front of him, but obviously, it was too late. 

"Mason, this is not what it looks like. He just fell onto the porch and I came to scream at what I thought was the neighbor's cat, but actually, it ended up being him. He was just about to leave because this was not the place he was looking for." 

Spider quickly stood up out of the chair, and back towards the end of the porch. "Yeah. Yeah. I'm leaving."

He climbed the side of the wall and up towards the roof. I didn't know what he was going to do up there, but I had to focus on making sure Mason did not think that anything was happening with Spiderman. 

"As I said, that was just a freak accident. Honestly, I was super scared that it was THE Spiderman."

"That's insane," she fell into the chair where Spiderman had been moments earlier. 

"Yeah. Something that happens only once in a blue moon."

We sat in silence. There more I talked the more unbelievable my story would begin to sound, even to me. Mason looked at her watched, and jumped up from the chair. 

"Well, I better be getting home. Thank you for letting me come over. It was nice to talk, and I guess to see Spiderman."

I walked her toward the front of the apartment. "Yeah. Glad I wasn't alone in that. I'll see you on Thursday, Mason!"

She smiled, "See ya! Oh and you can call me MJ!"

I waved as she rushed down the stairs, and then closed the door. I walked over to my couch and fell into it, suddenly feeling the exhaustion from the day. 

"She seems nice!"

I didn't even react and Spider walked into the room and sat down next to me. He looked down at me for a long time and then finally spoke up again. 

"Sorry for the freakout. I'll make sure to be careful next time, I just didn't realize you would take my advice so quickly."

"Opportunity just kind of fell into my lap," I said. 

"Maybe we could come up with a system. You leave the blinds open if I can come, and closed if they're not."


Spiderman paused, "Do you want me to leave?"

"No, no. Get what you need. I put the ingredients in the medicine cabinet for the web fluid. I'm just tired," I snuggled up on the couch. 

Spiderman didn't get up, he just let me sit there, snuggled up next to him. It felt nice, to sit next to someone who didn't want to leave. He just was comfortable being next to me. Though I wished I could know who he was under the mask, it wasn't all that important. We were friends regardless. 

Slowly I felt myself drift off. Maybe it was best that Spiderman had dropped in, otherwise, the conversations with Mason probably would have been so much worse after I crashed.  

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