The Kiss

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The next morning I woke up stiff.Though I dared not open my eyes and fully wake up, because my pillow still felt soft and comfortable and inviting. Slowly, knowing that I would need to get up at some point today, I opened my eyes to look at the time on my clock. However, it wasn't there. Actually, I wasn't in my room. I sat up quickly realizing that I had fallen asleep not only talking to Spiderman, but I had fallen asleep and used his lap as a pillow. I jumped away from the couch, hoping that I had not woken the sleeping superhero, and slowly backed away into my room as I watched him.

He looked so peaceful, and I wished I hadn't quite woken up yet, but I knew it was a gift from God. Had he woken up before me and found my like that, I don't think I could have ever shown my face around him again.

I quickly changed into my lounge clothes, pretending as if I had just woken up like any other morning. Just another day off. I would make myself breakfast and maybe read a book on the porch. Maybe I would even see if MJ wanted to go out at some point tonight. Yes. It was a normal day.

I walked back into the living room to see Spiderman slowly waking up. I smiled, and went over to make us both a cup of coffee before checking on his stitches.

"Good morning, sleepy head," I giggle, as I hand him a mug.

He slowly sits up, "Oh thank you. For the coffee and for helping me last night."

He lifts his mask up to take a sip, and that's when I see the blood all on his face. I gasp, and sit my coffee down as I look at him. As I look closer I see that is dry blood from a nose bleed, probably from getting hit in the face. But I wish he had told me last night, he had run the risk of choking on blood that was still flowing. Especially with that mask on.

He chuckles as I walk over to the sink to get another rag, just as I had done last night. "You know, you probably take better care of me, than I take care of myself."

"Obviously," I say as I dab at the blood on his face. "You're lucky to not have choked on blood."

"I didn't want to bother you with more blood," he says sheepisly. "You had already helped so much."

I sigh, "You're too selfless for your own good."

He smiled, and tilted his head as I continued to work. As I finished, I couldn't help but think about how close we were. I was practically sitting on his lap, as he waited patiently for me to finish. A slight smile still played on his face as he watched me. I froze as he took a deep breath, and suddenly I couldn't move. I let my hand fall away from his face. Then before I could move away, Spider closed the gap between us.

I gasped as his lips touched mine. They were perfectly soft and warm just like they looked. I closed my eyes, as he reached for my hair, our lips moving in perfect sync as if they were made to do this.

I pulled away slightly to breathe, and then it hit me. I jumped off of Spiderman and turned away as my face warmed at the embarrasement.

"Um... I need to run to the store real quick. You should be ready to leave in a couple of hours, but I wouldn't go swinging around. I'll see you later,"

"Y/n!" Spiderman called. But I didn't turn around as I grabbed my phone and shut the door behind me. 


A/N- not gonna lie, not super sure I like the way I wrote this, but idc it's staying this way. Anyways, thank you all for reading. Don't forget to vote and comment!

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