Glory Days

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Hours passed as Peter helped guide me on the board. We took a quick break for lunch and watched as high schoolers did tricks on their own boards.

"Remember when you were that good?" Peter laughed as we watched one girl do flip after flip in front of us.

I nudged him to the side, "You're wrong, I was better. Better than you'll ever be."

"Oh okay, it's gonna be like that?"

I wiggled my eyebrows, giggling at him getting all fired up.

"Alright, Miss "best-skate-boarder-ever" prove it," Peter challenges.

"And how would you like for me to do that?"

"Peter looks around, then smiles as it comes to him. "Our signature trick. If you can do it with me right now, I'll let you keep your self-granted title for a little while longer."

"Deal!" I threw out my hand for him to shake, "And if I lose?'

"You have to tell that girl that I'm the best skateboarder you know."

We both grabbed our boards and headed to the top of the ramp. The move was simple, we went from one end to the other with a simple jump in the middle. The hard part was controlling our speed so we didn't run into each other since Peter went in front with me close behind. It was stupid and I don't know why we came up with it or continued to do it, but I guess sometimes stupid is fun.

Peter looked back at me with a smile, winking as we both set down our boards. He put his hand behind his back as we both stood there ready to kick off.





I followed right after Peter, exhilarated by the wind in my hair. I focused on the bend in my knees, ready to make the quick jump and land right behind Peter. I pushed away from the board, and threw my hand in the air as I came back down. But even though I had landed, a half a second later my back knee buckled and I came flying forward and landing right on top of Peter causing the two of us to both roll sideways.

As we stop, Peter looks down at me, concern written all over his face. "Are you okay?"

"Fine, just celebrated too early," I smiled back.

"Glad you're okay. Though if you wanted to take me out, you might want to come up with a way that you won't injure yourself in the process," he laughed.

"Yeah, while I'd say you're the one trying to take me out, you're crushing me with your weight!"

Peter's eyes widen as he realizes that he's just laying right on top of me. He scrambles to his feet, and dusts off his pants, and then holds his hand out to help me. I grab it and he yanks me up, and I come flying up right into his arms. He grabs my shoulders, steading me back to the ground. Then all of a sudden time comes to a stop.

Peter's eyes look into mine, different than they ever had at all. There was concern and worry of a friend, but also a slight twinkle, one I had seen before but never in the direction of me. There were secrets behind his eyes, ones that had made their way there during our time apart. But there was something else, something that seemed more familiar, like I had known it for months. And I had no idea what it was.

"Y/n, I-" he cuts himself off, pushing me away to arms length, and nothing but fear shows in his eyes now. "I'm sorry, um... I forget how strong I am sometimes."

I pause, still trying to piece together what I had seen. "Right.. Right. Well, I guess I need to go let this girl know that you're the best skateboarder."

Peter nods, and reaches down to go grab his board. "Go ahead, I need to clear my mind for a second."

"Are you okay?"

He smiles, "Yeah... I just need to figure something out. Don't worry."

I grab my own skateboard, and head over to the girl, who had paused what she was doing to look at the mess that we had made of ourselves.

"Hi, I'm y/n," I introduce myself, as I get closer, "I had a bet with the boy I was with, and I was supposed to tell you that he's the best skateboarder I know."

She glances at me and the board, and chuckles, "I could tell by that miraculous fall. Tell me, what were you trying to do?"

I shrug, "Relive my glory days, if you enjoy this, don't give it up." I pause, "Well... have fun, I better get back."

I turned around to meet up with Peter, but he was nowhere to be found. He was just gone, like that. What was going on? 

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