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I waved as MJ left. As soon as she stepped into the elevator and was gone, I ran to the window and opened it. Standing there, just as I expected was Spiderman. The past couple of weeks he hadn't been getting hurt as often, but he still dropped by every night to talk. Things were easier around the city, just some petty crimes, but it was good for conversation. MJ and I had also been getting closer at that time. She stopped by at least twice a week for drinks and we'd even gone out to clubs a few times. Spider wasn't too happy about those nights. Still, he was always here waiting for me to open the window for him.

On this particular night, Spiderman came with a bouquet. Tulips to be exact.

"What's the occasion?" I asked, smiling as I placed them into a vase and watched as he got comfortable on the couch.

He shrugged, "Just thought my favorite person deserved some flowers."

"I'm your favorite person?"

"You're one of the only people I talk to, so don't take it too personally," he joked.

I nudged him on the shoulder. "You're so nice. What movie are we thinking?"

Spiderman paused. I had never seen him without his mask, but he was still pretty easy to read most of the time. But right now I had no idea what was going through his mind.

"I had a different idea..." I didn't respond. What was he thinking? "I wanted to ask you about Peter; we haven't talked about him since those first couple weeks. Since we've gotten closer though... I just thought... well it was so evident in your life I want to know what I can avoid so that I don't end up on your bad side like that."


I looked out the window and pulled my knees to my chest. I did want to speak openly about this. Ever since I stopped talking to Peter, I just felt like something was missing. Like my ability to let things go just evaporated into thin air.

"Sure. What do you want to know?"

Spiderman grabbed my hand, and I looked back at him, wishing I could see his face. "Whatever you are willing to tell me."

"Well... I'll start from the beginning then." I took a deep breath and then let the words that I had been holding onto for five and a half years finally slip from my lips. "Peter and I had always been good friends. My mom worked with his aunt and when he moved in with her we became almost inseparable....


"Y/n, come here. Mrs. Parker is here!"

I sprinted down the steps when I saw our neighbor. However, I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw someone standing next to her. It was a young boy, probably my age. His long shaggy hair covered his eyes, and he stood about three-quarters hidden behind May.

"Y/n, this is Peter. He's my nephew, he's coming to live with me, and I thought you two would get along nicely."

I waved enthusiastically at the boy, "Hi, Peter."

Mom turned to me, "Why don't you show him your room while I talk to Mrs. Parker?"

"Yes, mom."

I grabbed the little boy's hand and we both sprinted up the stairs to my room. As I opened the door, I suddenly became super conscious about the pink and purple of my room. It had never been the color I wanted, but I had never thought twice about asking for a change. However, right now I wish I had.

"So, this is my room. It's super girly but I'm more into science and stuff."

Peter's eyes bounced around the room, taking it all in. "I love science, but pink is cool too I guess. I mean technically it's anything but pink since pink is the color that is reflected off of the walls and all the other colors are absorbed. So basically your walls are truly a dark black."

I laughed, "Yeah."


"Peter was always super sweet about everything. He always made me feel better when I was down. Especially when Flash was picking on us. By the time we got to high school we pretty much did everything together. When we didn't have dates to parties or dances we would go together. We skated to and from school every day together. And we even got jobs at the same places in high school.

"Like I said we were inseparable from the time we had met. Until he met Gwen at that lab. I'm not sure if it was specifically her doing, or something along with meeting her. But he began to distance himself from me. I tried confronting him about it... but that didn't end well..." I trailed off. I had honestly pushed that memory so far down that I had almost forgotten about it.

Spiderman placed his hand on my cheek, wiping away a tear with his thumb. "What happened?"

I took a deep breath and began again. "It was right when they had started dating. I hadn't seen Peter at Science Club and he no longer would meet me to go skating before and after school. I hung out with his aunt one night until he came home. He was all dirty and wouldn't give straight answers.


I looked Peter up and down as May snuck out of the room to give us some space. Peter refused to make eye contact, just glancing right above my head and then over to the stairwell every few seconds.

"Where were you?" I asked.

"Does it matter? I'm home and you aren't my parent." Peter tried to shove his way past me but I stood my ground.

"Will you just talk to me?" I begged. "I feel like you've been avoiding me and I don't know what I did to get on your bad side."

"It has nothing to do with you, y/n."

"Then what is it? Is it Gwen, does she not like that we're friends."

"No. Oh my god. You wouldn't get it okay? Just get out of my way, I'll talk to you later."

"I'm not getting out of your way! Harry told me you've been acting weird, and I've noticed it too. What is going on with you!"

"It's nothing!"

"It's obvious-"

Peter lifted his hand to slap me, but just before his hand connected with my face he stopped. His eyes widened, and it was like he was suddenly seeing me for the first time. I backed away and headed to the door. I was done with this crap. Peter could be with whoever he wanted to be with, but I was no longer going to be a part of this.

"Y/n, wait!" Peter called out for me but I didn't stop.


I stopped talking as I sobbed into my hands at the memory. I still couldn't believe how quickly things had gone sour between Peter and me.

Spiderman grabbed my hand, and I looked up at him. "I'm sorry I made you share. I didn't realize-"

I shook my head. "You were right, I did need to get it out of my system. I just... I still don't know what came between us. Surely he hadn't just started hating me for no reason. Surely he wouldn't stoop down to my father's level out of nowhere."

"It's always hard to tell, but I'm sure he had your best intentions at heart."

I nodded. "Things just got worse from there. Right after we graduated... there was an incident. But... I guess I'm getting ahead of myself."

My Broken Spiderboy (tasm! spiderman x reader)Where stories live. Discover now