No Way Home

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My Peter pulls me to the side before the Peters head to the Statue of Liberty. He looks me up and down, pain filling his eyes as he holds my shoulders. He takes a deep breath and then gives me a small smile. 

"Listen, I know you hate me right now, and you want to do anything other than listen to me, but I still love you regardless. And I want you to be safe, so please stay here with MJ and Ned, as soon as this is all over I'll come and find you. Make sure you're safe."

Turning away from Peter, I sigh, "Thanks, but I can take care of myself."


"Don't! Go fight this stupid battle, okay?" I push away from Peter as tears fall from my eyes. Why was this so complicated?"

Peter doesn't say another word as everyone turns to us, instead, he just places a kiss on my forehead and walks through the portal. My hand immediately reaches for the spot where his lips touch, and I'm reminded of our first kiss when I just thought he was my friendly neighborhood Spiderman. How fearful I was, that I had messed everything up with that stupid kiss, but still enjoyed it. And now here I was, wishing he had never even landed on my porch. 

MJ turned to me as we waited for Peter to throw us the magic box when the villains arrived. 

"What was that about?"

I shook my head, "He just was telling me to stay here."

"He kissed you."

I half-smiled, "It was nothing, just on the forehead. I... don't care really, I'm still trying to figure everything out between the two of us."

"Right,  yeah," she glanced at me not saying another word even though she wanted to. 

"It's not that I don't want to be with him," I finally spoke up, as I stared at my hands. "I even had a crush on Peter himself a long time ago... but I'm scared of what I'm getting myself into. Not only am I risking my heart by letting him in, I'm risking my life. Gwen-" I stop myself from finishing the thought. I didn't want to end up like that. Gwen had been so nice, so perfect for Peter, but that had been her undoing. 

MJ patted me on the back, "Hey, I get it. Like one hundred percent. I'm just saying, the way he looks at you. The way he talks about you. You never know what might happen if you give him a chance."

"Hopeful are we?" I ask raising an eyebrow at her. It seemed odd coming out of the girl's mouth.

She shrugged, "Sometimes, you have to have a little hope."

Just then MJ's Peter swings around the corner and throws the magic box at her to hold onto. 

"Alright I got it, you can close the portal now," MJ tells Ned. 

Ned puts his hands up, whipping them around in a circle, but nothing happens. he does it again... still nothing. 

"Why isn't it closing it?" I asked, looking at the boy.

"I don't know," he shrugs, making a lump form in the back of my throat. 

"You closed it before right?" MJ asks, fear entering her voice. 

Ned tries again, "I mean I've opened some."

This was not going to end well. Ned keeps trying to close the portal, MJ encouraging him. But the longer we stand here, the more I doubt that it is going to work. Suddenly I hear the breaking of bars, and I look up to see Dr. Connors running straight for us. 

"Uh, guys!"

MJ looks out, "Oh no no no. That is a lizard. We should go!"

The three of us spring in the other direction with the box as Dr. Connors comes through the portal chasing us. This world's Peter comes crashing through the portal, jumping on top of the Lizard to give us time to run through the portal onto the Statue of Liberty. Connors chases us through the statue as Ned tries to create a new portal for us to escape through. As we run, MJ grabs one of the cures as Connors is distracted by a ton of water that Ned had opened a portal to. 

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