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The next morning I woke up to a phone call from MJ telling me that I needed to get to the hospital as soon as possible. There had been an outbreak of an unknown disease in the ER and they needed as many hands on deck to test people and make sure they were safe. I quickly got dressed in my scrubs, and grabbed apple and headed to the door, but was immediately stopped by a deep morning voice coming from the living room.

"Where are you going?"

"ER. There was an outbreak and I have to get there as quickly as possible."

Spiderman shoots up, "I'll help. I'll swing you over there it'll be quicker."

"Are you sure? You just woke up."

"I'm fine. Think of it as returning the favor for all the times you've helped me."

I step with him out onto the fire escape and grab hold of him. I close my eyes as he shoots the first web and off we go. In less than a minute we've landed right next to the hospital building and I throw my hair up in a bun, and place a little kiss on his cheek.

"See you tonight?"

"Yes. And... I want to talk to about something too."

"Sounds good. I'll see you then."

I rush into the building, and in a matter of seconds, I'm no longer even thinking about spider or what it is he might need to talk to me. At the moment all I was focused on was making sure that we figured out what had broken out in the ER and how to get these people home safely.


MJ and I didn't get a break until 7 when we were sent home. And it wasn't until I step foot outside the hospital in my dirty clothes that I realized how insanely hungry I was. Not only had I skipped breakfast, but I had also skipped lunch and it was past when I usually ate dinner.

MJ and I both fell into the seats on the bus utterly exhausted from the days work.

"Should we stop at the diner and get food?" I whispered, my head pounding.

"Let's just go to McDonald's. The diner will be loud," she whispered back.

When the subway got to the next stop we both hopped out and walked into the nearest McDonald's grabbing whatever was cheapest to munch on and then headed our separate ways. When I got back to my apartment I immediately crashed on my couch, and my head didn't even hit the pillow before I was out.

I wasn't sure how much time had passed when I heard the sounds a click as someone opened the window, and I didn't even move from where I was laying, just stayed there with my eyes shut willing myself to go back to sleep. Until...

"Y/n, are you awake, Princess?" The voice whispered lightly. I groaned, my hand flying to my face as the noise made my head pound.

"I'm sorry, I was just going to move you to your bed so you're more comfortable."

I responded by curling into Spider as he picked me up and carried me to my room. And in seconds I was asleep again.


The sun beamed through my curtain bright and early, yet I still felt horrible. For a split second I thought that maybe I had caught the disease from the ER, but we had all taken medication before we left to make sure even if we had gotten it we were asymptomatic.

I began to sit up, but was immediately stopped.

"Stay there," the familiar voice whispered, "I made you breakfast."

I opened my eyes to see Spider standing there in a pair of sweats and a hoodie, but still just mask stayed on. In his hands he held a cup of Orange juice and a plate of slightly burnt pancakes.

"How do you feel?" He asked.

"Like shit," I groaned downing the orange juice and some of the ibuprofen I had sitting on my nightstand. "Where did you get all this?"

"I brought it from home. When I snuck in to find you dead asleep still in your work clothes, I brought you in here and went back to my house to get clothes and some nutritious foods."

"Thank you," I smiled.

He sat down on the bed next to me. "Yeah, but don't make your way into the kitchen for a couple of hours. That was definitely not the first batch of pancakes I made, and I need to clean up."

"Oh no." I scrambled to get out of bed to see the mess, but he placed his hand on my knee to keep me from moving.

"I'll clean it. You need to stay rested. I'm sure you didn't get a break that whole time you were there."

I smiled,placing a kiss on his cheek through the mask. "Thank you." I paused, before I remembered yesterday morning. "What did you want to tell me last night?"

Spider tensed a little and shook his head. "I'll tell you another time. You eat and I'll clean. It's not that important."

My Broken Spiderboy (tasm! spiderman x reader)Where stories live. Discover now