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I spent the next couple of days finishing up my internship at the hospital. Which significantly limited my interactions with Peter back down to his nightly visits. And even then I was usually too exhausted to talk, and usually just passed out on the couch as Peter told me about his adventures throughout the day. Finally, though, today was my last day, and it was only a half day it was more of a way for my boss and I to discuss what went well throughout the internship and what could be improved.

As I walked out of the office to grab my things from the locker room, I ran into MJ as she was doing the same thing.

"Happy holidays," she cheers. "We're finally free of this place."

I smiled, "Yeah, until we start our own practices."

MJ sighs, "Don't remind me. So do you have any plans for Christmas?"

"Not really," I shrugged. I'm sure May and Peter already had plans for Christmas, and I didn't want to intrude, so I was online for the holidays.

"Oh good," MJ smiles, "Well, not good. I wish you had plans, but that means you can come to my family's party. I'll send you the details; keep a lookout."

I throw my backpack across my back, "Thank you. Would you mind if I invited my boyfriend?"

MJ's jaw dropped, and she stopped in her tracks right before the door. "You mean to say I get to finally meet the man who you've been pining over this whole semester?"

I roll my eyes, pushing past her and laughing. She quickly jogs back up to me, a huge smile on her face as we walk onto the streets of New York together.

"So can I finally know his name at least?"

"Peter Parker."

MJ raised an eyebrow, silent as we continued to walk towards the subway. I didn't turn toward her until we got on the train, but I already knew what she was thinking. I had told her about how I used to be friends with Peter, and that ever since we drifted, I didn't dare get close to anyone else. Yet, here I was talking about the same boy with obvious love and admiration.

As we sat across from each other I finally spoke up. "Yes, it's the same person. And it's a long story, but we've both matured since high school."

"I'll trust you, but if he breaks your heart I'll break him."

"I don't doubt it."

As the train came to the next stop MJ collected her things and began to make her way out. "As I said, I'll text you everything, and I expect you to be there."

"Don't worry I will be."

Before heading to my house, I picked up some Chinese for Peter and me. It was getting close to lunch, and I knew Peter would need to eat soon. He had always had a big appetite, but being Spiderman had made it even bigger.

Just as I thought, Peter was already sitting on my couch as I made my way into my apartment. He quickly got up, to grab the food and we both sat down at the table to eat.

"So how was your last day?" Peter asked.

"Great, glad to finally have my life back. At least for the moment."

Peter reached for my hand, "Me too."

"Oh, and MJ and I got to talk for a little bit," I said, finishing up my food. "She invited us to a Christmas party."


"Yes. She wants to meet the boy I talk about so often."

Peter beamed, "You talk about me?"

My Broken Spiderboy (tasm! spiderman x reader)Where stories live. Discover now