New World

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I finally opened my eyes, as I heard the window clothes. He was gone. 

This whole time I had been recovering from the pain that my relationship with Peter brought me, only to find out that it was all just a lie. Many times I had wondered who the man under the mask was, and I had never thought to piece together the puzzle. Why our stories were so similar, why suddenly I began to run into Peter more often, why Peter and Spiderman had encouraged my forgiveness. Because it was all him, the whole time. 

I scrambled for my phone, hoping to find some comfort. MJ always seemed to know the right thing to say, and maybe a couple of drinks wouldn't be too bad. I typed up a quick message, asking her if she would like to meet up for a couple of hours. Almost immediately she began to text back. 

A bright light flashed around me. My heart drops to my feet, as I look up at my quickly changing surroundings. My living room was slowly replaced with a small bedroom filled with science equipment and pictures. I look back to my phone, the text bubble disappeared and the service in the top corner fell to zero. 

Behind me the door squeaked open, and a loud scream left the persons mouth. I jumped, and backed into the corner of the room, turning to see the intruder. As the girl came into focus, my jaw dropped. Infront of me was the girl that I had just been texting. Except, not quite the same. Her hair was longer, and she seemed younger and less sure of herself.

"MJ?" The name escaped my lips before I could help myself. 

The girl reached for the lamp near the door, staring at me with suspicion. "How do you know my name?"

The cadence in her voice was unforgettable, though slightly higher than I was used to. "I... I'm not exactly sure. Where am I?"

"My room," she paused, "Who are you?"

Maybe this girl knew me somehow, maybe MJ had somehow gotten ahold of something that made her age backwards. Or this was an elaborate prank. Or she had a sister and they for some reason went by the same nickname. Or-

My thoughts were stopped by the ringing of her phone. She still held out the lamp in front of her in a threatening way, but reaches for her phone to answer it.

"Peter?" she answers. 

Wait, she knows Peter? Since when? 

"Strange? As in Dr. Strange, the man who helped you defeat Thanos?" she asks quickly loosing interest in me, as she listens to Peter talk on the other end. 

Who was she talking about? Peter never fought someone named Thanos, and definitely never got any help from a man named Dr. Strange. 

"Oh." Her eyes widen, and suddenly she looks back at me. "I'll be there with Ned, and Peter..? I think I found one."

She hangs up the phone, and placed the lamp down, still never breaking eye contact with me. She steps closer to me, slowly as if trying to figure out if I can be trusted. 

"Who are you?" she asks me again, this time there is little to no fear in her voice.

"Y/n. How do you know Peter Parker?"

A soft, knowing smile forms on her face. "We go to school together. Now, am I the MJ that you know, or do I just look similar?"

What was she getting at? This high school girl, was standing here acting like someone just randomly popping into her room was of no concern. Like she knew that I was supposed to be here. 


"I thought so." She takes my hand, "Come with me. There is a lot to explain, and I'm not the one who should explain it. Just trust me okay?"

I shrugged, letting her drag me in whatever direction. While this wasn't the MJ I knew, I trusted her just like she was. I mean I fell I know a superhero for crying out loud, surely something weird was bound to happen sooner or later. But if this really had something to do with Peter, where was he?

My Broken Spiderboy (tasm! spiderman x reader)Where stories live. Discover now