Chapter 21

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Sorry oh my god I haven't updated in ages even Wattpad looks completely different.  I hope some are still with me bc I got this cute idea!  Enjoy! (Not pre-installed Destiel btw)

Dean winced when another bullet crashed into the rear end of his car. Only seconds later the windows both in the back and front burst leaving pieces of glass flying around both him and Cas.

"They're catching up!", coughed the angel ducking  on the passenger seat.
But Dean didn't flee from the police the first time,  he knew what he was doing.

Some daring turns later the police was out of sight, a couple of minutes later he was sure they had lost their track.

He finally calmed down when they were on a open highway, driving away from the terror of the last hours.

"You okay?", he finally got to ask Cas next to him, who looked more tired and battered than usual.

"I'm fine", he answered calmly,  not even looking at Dean.

"Cas, are you seriously mad at me?", Dean couldn't believe it, "I came back to save you!"

"I didn't ask for no help though!  I am an angel of the Lord and well capable of escaping human police!"

"Sure looked like that when three feds pointed guns at you", Dean laughed sarcastically. He realised he should be more sensitive towards the stressed angel, but he couldn't understand Cas' anger.

He didn't get a reply on his comment, because when the angel tuned towards him they heard a huge bang from the engine,  followed by a slowing car and a ridiculous amount of smoke.

"Fuck", Dean mumbled pulling over the car. "Must've been hit by a bullet"

As they had stopped and got out,  Dean opened the bonnet and took a look.

Cas, having not a single clue,  watched him swearing under his breath.  After a couple of minutes he sat down underneath a tree some feet away. He saw Dean getting some tools from the back and doing some... fixing stuff when he closed his eyes and dozed off.

It had been a hard day for him and he regretted getting angry at the hunter for getting him out of there. Obviously he had  needed help. The problem was, he didn't want Dean to get hurt,  just for saving him. He had known for a long time that he loved the other man,  but he also knew he wouldn't tell him.  There was no use.

"Cas?", he heard a voice close to him.
He opened his eyes and blinked, Dean crouching in front of him.

"There's no use, I can't get her fixed. I called Sam, but he'll take at least till the morning to come and get us."

Cas just nodded, feeling slightly embarrassed about the fact that he liked the thought of spending some hours with Dean alone.

Dean sighed and sat next to the angel in the grass.
"If you'll keep ignoring me the next hours will be pretty unpleasant, y'know?"

"I.. am not ignoring you."

"Then what is it?"

The angel paused not knowing how to answer.
"Thank you for saving me, Dean", he finally said.

"You're my friend, Cas, I wouldn't leave you behind"

Involuntarily the angel winced hearing this words. Of course he was Deans friend. He should be happy about this.

Dean examined him intensily, making him feel as if he did something wrong
Was he supposed to answer? But what would be appropriate? 

"You are my friend, too, Dean", he said,  feeling slightly weird.  He still couldn't get human conversation patterns quite right it seemed.

"Am I?", the hunter asked with a weird undertone in his voice. Of course Dean had hoped for another answer. Some sign that Cas did not think of him as just a friend. He felt mental for even thinking about this.

"Never mind, Cas. Let's get to the car and get some sleep,  it's getting pretty cold already. "
He stood up, followed by the angel.  Pulling a single blanket out other the trunk , he looked at Cas

"You can take it, I'll be fine", he said holding the blanket. Towards him.

"Dean...I am an angel, I'm never cold", answered Cas confused.

"Oh. Yeah", Dean muttered feeling completely stupid. Of course Cas wouldn't be cold.

Dean got in the back of the car, expecting the angel to occupy the front row. But Cas climbed in after him,  leaving him confused but... happy?
He hated to admit it, but he'd use any excuse to be close to the angel who saw him just as a friend.
He hated to be so needy.

And it was getting cold, really cold.

Even with the blanket he shivered slightly  when he closed his eyes some minutes later. It was dark already, the only slight shimmer of light came from a street light on the other side of the road.
He silently turned to look at Cas, sitting across him with his head leaned against the window.
He looked calm and peaceful,  looking like an angel Michelangelo might have painted.  Dean bit his lip and couldn't keep himself from thinking how it would feel to kiss those soft lips. 

Being caught in his thoughts  he didn't realise Cas opening his eyes, but when he did his heart stopped for a second.  The angels deep blue eyes were directed right at his and he couldn't help but stare back.

"What did you mean, Dean?" , he almost whispered, " when you asked whether I am your friend", he added seeing Deans confused look.

Dean thought about a proper answer.  There was none.

"I... it was stupid, forget about it"

But obviously Cas didn't give up so easily.
"I AM your friend Dean"

"Yeah Cas I know", Dean sighed, "I guess I just hoped for something else,  it's not important"
He hoped Cas would just stop questioning him.

"What else?"

"Really, I don't know" Dean shrugged and turned away.
"Maybe that I'm more than a friend to you"
The whole situation felt unreal to Dean, who had never wanted to have such a conversation.  He knew the outcome so what was the use.

"But you aren't more than a friend to me"

There it was. The bomb that hit Dean harder than he thought it would. He bit his lip so hard he tasted blood, determined to not show any kind of reaction.
"I know", was all he managed to say.

"You aren't more than a friend, but I wish you would be", the angel finally added,  looking at his hands.

At first, Dean didn't react at all. Simply because he didn't know how. After a couple of seconds,  it might have been a minute, he turned towards Cas, who even in the dim light appeared to have become red.

"Then kiss me", Dean said trying to keep a steady voice, barely thinking about his words.

The angel looked at him for a second,  before moving closer.

"Are you-"

But Cas couldn't finish his sentence because two soft lips crushed into his, making him forget how to breath.  After a couple of seconds he recovered himself, melting into Deans kiss. He felt Deans hand gliding up his neck and softly into his hair, making him shiver pleasantly.

After what felt like an eternity, Dean pulled away slowly,  looking straight into Cas eyes.

They didn't speak any more after that kiss, there was nothing left to say. And when Sam arrived the next morning he found them intertwined on the back seats,  sleeping safe and sound.

Of course, so Dean told his younger brother, just to conserve heat.

Why didn't I write this earlier it made me soo happy to write this.
I know it's pretty long with not a lot happening but how do you like it?

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