Chapter 22

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Wow who would have thought I would actually add another chapter? Certainly not me,but I hope you enjoy my brief revisit guys :D

"Dude, I look like James fucking Bond", Dean marveled at himself rear mirror when he got in his car. After Sam had stacked the shotgun in the back, just for safety of course, they drove off, towards the little town, in which their friend would marry.

A wedding filled with hunters it would be, what could go wrong? Dean knew his brother was right though, they had known Chrissi since her dad died and been part of her becoming a hunter. They had to go.

"So, Dean whats todays strategy?" Sam sarcastically asked his brother shortly before they arrived, looking into confused eyes "Oh c'mon, being single at a wedding? Don't tell me you aren't gonna try to get an emotionally vulnerable single girl, or whatever?"

But to Sams surprise, his brother shrugged it off. Dean had been different this last weeks, barely flirting with waitresses and bartenders, he almost began to worry. But he decided not to bring it up, since it was hardly the right occasion. Maybe Cas would know more about this, Dean and him had spent some time together lately, working on this "case" they didn't want to tell Sam about.

Sam should probably talk to Cas, but later, since they just pulled into the parking lot of an old gothic church.

"I never actually been to church, except for hunting reasons", Dean chuckled as they went in, taking seats in the far back. Half of the church was filled with people they knew since they were kids, some they thought were long dead, some younger ones they never had seen before.

And two people they knew far to well. Castiel and his brother, Gabriel, sat two rows in front of them, across the aisle. Dean barely recognized Cas, he had never seen in a Tux before, but he had to admit it suited him damn well.

In hunters fashion, the ceremony was short and pretty blunt, as far as Dean concerned. But the angels sitting in front of him confused him a great deal, what would they do at a wedding? Sam seemed not to share his concerns in the slightest.

"So what, you know her groom? Maybe he's one of them", Sam joked when Dean asked. "We'll be out of here soon anyways, right? You didn't seem to wanna join the party afterwards"

Yeah, dean didn't want to... on the other hand he did wanna know why Cas was here, too.

"I mean, I'd never say no to a drink or two", Dean said. And so it was decided, they joined the wedding ceremony at the way smaller party outside, where in the spacious garden a small area with tables, music and most importantly a bar was assembled.

"Gin Tonic, please.", Dean ordered, thankful to have something to calm his nerves before he'd head over to the angels. He definitely felt stupid for this, but the last weeks he'd spend so much time with Cas and it's been... weird.

They worked on a case together, a tablet for Kevin they wanted to find, but really it started to feel different. Sure, they'd always been a bit awkward around each other, but that was normal right? And Cas did have incredible eyes, everyone probably noticed that, did't they? Maybe it was his angel mojo.

"Gabe, Cas, hey guys", that might have been a bit too casual, judging the angels confused looks. "What you doing here?"

Gabriel, in his usual fashion, avoided the topic, made a joke, and went off, heading to the table at which some hunters, including Sam sat and discussed something that sounded like a vampire case.

"So, you're gonna tell me what's going on,or?", Dean tried again, now only asking Cas. Seeing him fully, he really noticed how well the tux suited him, he actually wore a bow. In fact, a bow that perfectly matched the color of his eyes. Damn angel mojo.

"Cole's a prophet. I'm surprised you did not know this.", As finally answered, waking the other man from his (obvious) trance. Dean in fact wasn't surprised at all, Chrissi never would have told them.

"Well, I guess she could have done worse.. a hunter for example", Dean joked.

"Why would that be a bad thing? Marrying a hunter doesn't seem all too bad to me, actually very agreeable", Cas answered, causing a WTF- face on Dean. Was that a flirt? Or did Dean start to imagine things? "We got to leave, I believe I will see you soon Dean."

Within a blink of an eye the angel disappeared, leaving the other man standing utter disbelief.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Dean? You barely bearly said a word since we left",Sam asked concerned later on the car ride home. And he was right, Dean had been untypical silent.

"I'm fine... it was just really weird that Cas and Gabriel were there today, thats all."

"Yeah, Gabriel said some weird things... you think somethings wrong? Stuff about having to encourage Cas to do the right thing, he sounded serious. Guess you don't know with Gabriel though.", Sam shook his head and looked out the window, sunken into his own thoughts now.

The right thing...

Okay I might have lost my prompt skills, so I'm putting this into two parts, don't be scared more is to come :D

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