Chapter 11

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"Can you just SHUT UP, Sammy?", Dean jelled, grabbing his keys and letting his brother stand alone in the motel room. He was just being ridiculous, Dean thought about his brother, who wanted to start 'the talk' about Dean and Cas.

Dean, driving down the empty road towards nowhere, was still angry. What did his brother even mean? It's not like there was anything going on between the angel and him.

But a part of him knew this was a lie. A couple of weeks ago Dean came to the point of admitting himself he had feelings for the other man after all. Not that he'd ever tell Cas. That would be stupid and after all also senseless. Dean knew that angels didn't have feelings. Not for humans, not for each other, not for anyone!

Still, a tiny part of him couldn't shake the feeling of something going on...

He sighed as he pulled over and came to a stop in the middle of an empty field. Nothing was around him, for miles.

His right hand grabbed over into the foot room of the passenger seat, letting a half filled bottle of cheap whiskey appear.

Satisfied he took a sip before climbing out of his baby to settle down on the front.

Even though the night was chilly, stars were out, clear and beautiful in this rural area.

The setting reminded him of the past, when he'd have driven out with Sammy on a day off, counting stars all night and drinking beer in silence.

When had it all started going wrong? He mumbled to himself half emptying the bottle at once.

After a while his thoughts wandered from his brother to the angel. He had become such a big part of his life, yet it didn't matter.

Dean wanted more. Since he'd left Lisa he realized what he had wanted all along. Peace. Love .CAS.

He started praying, partially hoping not to get a reply.

"Hello Dean", he heard the familiar voice in front of him.

"Hey Cas", he replied, noticing the alcohol had made his voice slurred.

"Is there anything you need, Dean? Why did you call me?", the angel asked confused.

"Sorry, I probably shouldn't have. ", what the hell should he say? His mind spinned in circles.

"May I just sit with you then?", Cas sat down, not waiting for a reply, to Deans surprise.

They watched the stars in silence, the only faint sound when Dean tossed the empty bottle in the grass a few feet away.

Whatever, Dean thought, turning around to the angel, laying his hand softly onto the other mans cheek. Before he could change his mind he pressed his lips onto the others, with an intense longing of a kiss that had been held back for too long.

Finally he pulled back, swearing to himself.

"Fuck, sorry Cas, I'm drunk. You should leave", he turned away, unable to see Cas' reaction.

"No.", muttered Cas and before Dean even barely understood what was going on he felt a hot chest pressed against his, and lips pressed against each other

Where the fuck did Cas even learn this? Dean thought before pushing away any thoughts. No thinking tonight. He could think about everything another day. Right now he wanted to take up everything happening. The hands in his neck. His own on Cas' waist pulling him closer. The breath smelling like fresh grass and cold air mixing with his smell of alcohol.

This was heaven. Nothing would ever be as good as this moment.
But eventually it had to pass.

The two men faced each other, neither of them knowing what to say.
Dean startled when suddenly the beautiful eyes in front of him vanished.

He thought about driving back for a couple of minutes, but even for his standard he was too drunk to drive. He'd just lay down in the back, going back tomorrow, talking to his brother, about how he and Cas were just friends.

And, well, at some point probably he'd have to talk to Cas, too, but that could wait for a different time.

Now the just wanted to fall asleep, having a night without any nightmares for once.

No commentary needed, right?

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