Chapter 12

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Continuation to the last chapter, I really liked that one !


Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

No way had that really happened, Dean thought. But opening his eyes and seeing the interior of his Impala he knew it actually happened.


Part of him wanted to blame it on the alcohol and the fight with Sam, but he knew that wasn't true, not a bit.

He pulled himself up from the back seats, his head still feeling dizzy from all the alcohol.

Some deep breaths from the fresh morning air helped clearing his mind.

Finally, he got into the car, driving back to the motel where he had left Sam sitting alone last night. Damn, that bitch would be pissed. But whatever.

On his ride back he passed a diner and grabbed some pancakes, bacon and eggs. That'll calm his little brother.

"Where've you been?", he heard a sour voice when he opened the rusty door.

"Out. Brought breakfast though.", and so they had finished their little argument, sitting down on the table eating breakfast out of takeaway boxes.

Like always.

The only thing was, nothing felt like always for Dean. And even worse, Sam seemed to notice his absence.

"Whatcha thinking about? ", Sam asked as if he had read his mind.

"Only 'bout you, honey", Dean replied sarcastically, shoving his last load of pancake in his mouth. As reward to his comment he earned an eye rolling from his brother.

"Whatever", Sam started, getting back to the case they were working currently. "I'll go to the victims house again, you joining in?"

"Naah, I'd rather take a shower and a nap",was Deans reply, followed by him getting up and throwing some napkins and stuff in the garbage before heading towards the bathroom.

When he came out rather refreshed, Sam had already left.

Thank god.

Dean really needed some alone time right now to figure out how to go on now. How to talk to Cas mostly.

He just got dressed when he heard a knock on the door.

Casually he grabbed his knife from the bed stand, heading towards the door. He groaned when he saw who was standing there through the bull hole.

He opened the door.

"Since when do you use a door, Cas?", he asked, forcing himself so sound as casual as possible.

"I thought ... it would be more fitting", the angel replied.

Dean sighed and stepped aside, letting Cas enter the room. He didn't feel that refreshed anymore, now that he thought about it.

"You were drinking alcohol last night", Cas stated after turning around rather abrupt. Even he seemed more tense than usual.

"Yeah", Dean answered plainly. What else should he say?

"What does that mean about your actions last night? "

"-Wait, my actions? ", Dean stared in disbelief, "I felt like you were pretty involved aswell!"

"That does not change a thing. I want to know-", but the other man didn't let Cas finish.

"That changes a lot Cas! I mean if you have feelings for me too, it--"he stopped abruptly.


Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

"Too?", Cas stared confused. Damn, these eyes were distracting.

"Are you implying that you have a romantic affection towards me?"

"Damn Cas, stop talking like that!", Dean tried changing the topic. But the angel didn't answer, still piercing him with his stare. "Well...", he searched for the right words, but he didn't seem to find any."I , yeah, I guess I do, I don't know!", came out in the end.

Castiel showed the slightest reaction.

"It seems that we share this feelings, Dean.", he said easily as if he was having some small talk.

Dean stood in utter disbelief. "Like, what? Are you being serious, Cas? Do you even know what that means? ", he exclaimed.

Now there was a reaction visible in Cas' face, but it wasn't happiness, it seemed more like... anger?

The angel took a fast step towards Dean, leaving the two men standing as close as possible. Astonished, Dean felt the angels lips pressed onto his, but only for a second.

"I am no idiot, Dean, even if may seem a little 'awkward' sometimes", he finally said.

Dean squinted his eyes a little, looking down directly into the smaller mans eyes.

"I know", me mumbled, before now starting a kiss himself. This time it was more intense, both men leaning deeply into it. Deans hands slit onto Cas hips, pulling him even closer towards him, making him moan a little.

He never had felt so attracted towards a person, when he softly pressed Cas towards the bed.

Today, he wasn't drunk.

He wasn't angry at Sam.

He was just filled with happiness and lust towards the angel. Cas, seemed to feel similar, as he led his hands slide lower. Grabbing Deans ass determined.

Tehee fun! It's 3 am and I'm so tired and I'm actually thinking about writing another part!! Well don't forget to leave votes and comments ,my bumblebees!

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