Chapter 13

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Seems like my two part story will turn into three parts now!

Dean felt a tiny speck of awkwardness, now laying naked in bed next to Cas, but hell, this was the best sex he had in his life! Also, Cas seemed fairly relaxed, since his head rested on Deans shoulder and his eyes were closed.

Dean let himself drift off into a cozy half sleep.

It felt like only a minute later, when the angel shot upright and jumping out of the bed.

"It's Sam!", he explained before Dean could even ask.

Momentarily Dean did as Cas had and climbed out of bed , gathering together his clothes in between Cas'.

They managed almost exactly to get dressed as the door opened.

Startled, Sam looked at the both men when he entered.

"Hey?", he asked, putting his oversized forehead into wrinkles.

"Cas just arrived", Dean half-laughed, trying to explain the situation.

"But I got to leave. I just got a message, about being needed in Chicago.", the angel exclaimed, walking towards the door and then disappearing. Not without shooting a meaningful look towards Dean, that could not have been more obvious.

So, the brothers were alone.

"What?!", Dean asked, noticing his brothers glances.

"Are you still denying there is something going on, Dean?", Sam laughed.

"Don't start this again, Sammy, you're being ridiculous! "

Sam raised his eyebrows and crossed the room, followed by his brothers confused eyes. Until he saw, too.

Sam picked up the tie and held it up.

"Still denying, Dean?", he teased.

The older brother sighed. Seemed it was too late anyways.

"Whatcha wanna hear Sammy? That Cas and I fucked? Hell yeah we did! And you know what? It was awesome!", Dean shot out, leaving his brothers face in a pained expression.

"I didn't wanna hear that , Dean! "

"Well now you know anyways, be angry as much as you want, I don't really care", he decided to grab a beer from the fridge and sat down on a chair. As he was now up to hear a long angry monologue from Sam, he could at least be comfortable.

"Why would I possibly be angry?", Sam stared confused, "cause you're gay? I couldn't care less, you know?"

These words surprised Dean. Like, he knew his brother was pretty open minded, but it's always different in your own family right?

"What is it then?", he took a huge sip of his beer.

Sam, decided to do likewise and walked over, grabbing one himself.

"Seriously?", he looked at his brother, "I don't care. I'd just don't like you not telling me shit!"

"Not the sex part, though", he added finally, making the two of them laugh.

"We're not a couple or something, you know? ", Dean felt necessary to add.

"Okay.", Sam tried to not say what was on his mind, but he couldn't resist: "I'm happy for you guys, you know? Like it fits."

"I might be gay, Sammy, but I'm still not a chick, you know", the older brother mumbled, earning another famous eye roll from Sam today.

Damn, he thought, how much could happen within just two days?

Sooo this was my three part mini-story. I kinda felt obliged to add a destiel beginning, as I always wrote pre-installed ones! Let me know how you feel about it, my hummingbirds!

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