Chapter 2

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This one will be soo short but I just had this really cute idea (it's not really destiel though)  Enjoy!

"Okay, I got everything in the car. Let's go.", Sam said, standing in the doorway.

Bobby called earlier, telling Sam and Dean about a haunted house some miles away from them. It didn't sound like it was going to be very hard, still Dean was already getting nervous.

This wouldn't be a normal hunt. It would be the first time they'd take Cas. As he was now a more frequent part of the team, Sam and Dean had decided he should be introduced to their usual hunting method.

"Are you coming Dean?", Cas pushed him. Cas was visibly excited about his first time.

"Yeah, sure" Dean replied, picking up his bag from the stained motel carpet.

"Wait, Cas?", Dean stopped the angel, holding him by the arm.

Confused, Castiel turned around, looking into the other mans eyes.

For a couple of seconds either of them moved.

When Dean heard a overly artificial cough from Sam, he broke the eye contact and pulled something out of his pocket. Silently, he put it into Cas' hand.

"Uh, fake ID, you'll probably need it later.", he explained.

Cas began inspecting the card in his hand.

"Castiel..", he looked up, "Winchester? ".

"Well, yeah, you don't have a last name, so we figured. ..", Dean broke off, slightly embarrassed.

Still, when the angel turned around to head for the car, he clearly noticed a slight smile on Cas' face. And he realised, he was smiling, too.

I told ya, really short, but awww.
btw. how would you feel about some smut? tell me! !

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