Chapter 16

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The shortest story ever! Enjoy!

Castiel stuck his knife deep into the mans chest, making the demon leave the body and the man die. He was covered in blood when he turned around to the two brothers standing behind him, speechless.

"You killed him.", Dean said, his features hard as stone as his eyes pierced the ones of the angel in front of him.

"He was a demon. ", Castiel said, no hint of emotion showing.

"But we could have saved him!", the other brother exclaimed.

"I am at war!", the angel screamed furious, "I cannot care for every human being if I want to save them all!"

This was the moment when Dean realised completely that this was not a human, not a man in disguise, not a messenger of peace, but a warrior, a soldier, who would do what he must.

Without a hint of regret.

And that was also when he noticed that they were so different, too different, no, they barely shared the same world.

Idk I wanted to depict Cas as a soldier once and not the whiny (very adorable) man.*

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