Chapter 24

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Okay I can't be so mean to y'all , I'll end the cliiffhanging

It's been almost three months since Dean watched his friend die in his arms and he hadn't told anyone, not even Sam, what happened. Obviously his brother knew something was very, very wrong and something must have happened that night Dean disappeared for almost a week, but Dean couldn't bring himself to speak the truth out loud.

Like most nights, he had spend this one in a bar, drinking as much as it took to get home or the motel and pass out and sleep for two or three hours before the nightmares awoke him. And it was getting worse. A couple of times he had been convinced he'd seen Cas on the street or at the supermarket or wherever else. He was slowly turning mad and he knew it.

He stumbled towards the Impala, seeing things double. It didn't matter to him if he crashed his baby into a tree at 100 mph, so he drove off. His way to the motel he was staying in with Sam wasn't a long one, but it led through a piece of dark, narrow forrest.

Dean hit the breaks almost straight on when he saw him, standing on the side of the road. He's not real, you saw him die, he thought to himself, but the person he could see so clearly, not a cars length away, didn't disappear.

A blind anger rose in Dean, anger and pain and desperation. He grabbed the dagger from the passenger seat next to him and wildly stormed out of the car.

"FUCK OFF, YOU GROSS MONSTER", he screamed, waving his dagger at the ghost standing in front of him. He stepped closer, slicing the knife less than an inch in front of the phantom face.

It disappeared into nothing and a manic laugh escaped Dean.

Through the thick forrest he could see a light rising towards the sky and softly falling down again. Dean couldn't contain himself. He followed the small track into the forrest, whatever it'd take he'd end this madness tonight. Where the light landed, a thick crater had formed, not from impact but from pure force.

In it lay Cas. Not the ghost Cas, still and cold, but the way Dean last saw him, bleeding and dying on the floor.

"no...please", tears stood in his eyes and he couldn't take it. As he'd done before he sank to his knees holding the dying body. It didn't vanish, he hadn't expected it to...

"Cas, I'm so sorry, I love you so much", Dean whimpered, knowing what would happen next.

"Don't worry Dean, I'll be alright" smiled the angel weakly. "I did it for you, it was the right thing"

It felt as if the last bit of air was sucked out of his lungs, as if he was going to collapse every second now. No way he'd survive seeing this again.

The body began to vanish, slowly as if sucked into a different place. Dean clawed to it as long as he could before he sunk onto the ground and silently began to weep.

"Dean?", far away the angels voice sounded to him, seemingly coming closer. "Dean,is that you?", Deans hands clenched into fists and covering his ears, please god let me die right here let this nightmare be over.

A firm hand on his shoulder made him wince, it felt too real for him to stand it. He finally looked up, half expecting nothing.

Cas stood in front him, for a moment making Dean almost believe it was him, actual Castiel, but that couldn't be.

"Please, just stop, you're not real", he pleaded, stumbling to is feet. The eyes of the dead angel looked as blue as they had months ago, when he wore the bow matching their color.

"I don't understand what you mean... what happened?", concern rose in his face, for the hunter that looked as through he'd been to hell.

This concern for him felt so surreal it was almost absurd. Dean brought his hand up to the other mans face and lightly touched his cheek, soft and warm, it was there.

"Cas? This can't- I mean you're-", but no word made it past his trembling lips. In a swift motion he embraced his angel, his fists gripped in Cas' trenchcoat, still not being convinced that he might not disappear again. But he felt so real, everything about him was just so real.

"Something bad happened, right? I can feel it", he asked hesitating, after Dean let him go. His eyes looked up, lingering on Deans. "I think I am different" he finally added.

And, of course, Dean saw it, too. Something about the angel has changed to when he last saw him well, everything seemed to be slightly different.

"I'm cold...I've never been cold.", and Dean momentarily understood the huge meaning of this. Angels weren't cold, they were the essence of consistency.

"You're human.", he concluded.

"I think so... what does that mean,now?", Cas looked as lost as never before.

Softly, Dean cupped his hands around Cas' face, as if still not quite realizing its presence. Months ago he wouldn't have dared any of this, but it felt like years had passed since then and everything changed. Steadily he placed his lips on Cas', trying to put all of his feelings into this one kiss. It took a couple of seconds till the other man understood, but then he willingly joined in. Cas' hand sliding up Deans neck, the other on his waist pulling him closer. Longingly Dean leaned into this, sighing silently as the kiss broke.

"It means we're going home", he finally answered and took Cas' hand, which intertwined with his own. Heading towards the Impala.

Heading towards the future.


As you all know I basically stopped publishing here on wattpad and I'm pretty sure this might be my last bigger piece. I hope it wasn't a too disappointing ending. I always enjoyed writing these and your positive feedback has been one of the best things that ever happened to me, I wanna thank you all so much! I'll do some smaller prompts for sure and definitely always have an open inbox for ideas/feedback/general small talk so feel free to message me!

Thank you all so much for everything so far!

Destiel OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now