Chapter 10

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Guys I'm incredibly sorry for not updating more often but college takes all my time and energy so it's really hard to write atm, but I'll give my best !!

"Moscow??? No way, Sammy! That's the other end of the world!", Dean answered his brother. Sam had just researched about some weird occurrences happening all around the globe.


Not only that it was way further than they normally would go for a case, but it also meant they had to fly. Dean hated flying.

"We gotta, Dean. Remember what Cas said?"

"Cas said nothing ! You're being paranoid.", Dean muttered, but he knew what Sam meant.

This morning, when Sam mentioned the case he was researching on, the former angel acted incredibly weird. Not his usual weird that Dean loved, but weird. Like he was hiding something from them.

Dean sighted in defeat. "Whatever, book those fucking plane tickets, I'll go tell Cas."

And so Sam did while the other man trotted away, three tickets to Moscow, early next morning.


Cas was the only one seeming exited when they woke up earlier than 6 am. Maybe that was because he had never been on a plane before, as he never had a reason for it.

The three men stood in front of Bobbys, well actually now their house, and Sam was locking the door.

"We're gonna be late!", Cas claimed distressed.

"We've got almost two hours, calm down.", Dean answered slightly annoyed. He didn't exactly look forwards to the plane trip.

And, after all, they weren't late after all, actually they arrived early and after checking in, they sat down in front of the gate.

Dean had grown more and more pale within the last minutes, visibly scared of the upcoming trip.

When Sam left to get some breakfast, Cas turned towards his boyfriend.

"Dean, what's wrong?"

"What?", Dean tried looking amused but failed," I'm fine Cas, just tired"

The former angel let it go, for now, not wanting to force Dean to talk about whatever bothered him. Cas had no clue.

Finally, after half an hour, they were allowed to board the plane.

"Row three, a and b, there we are, Cas smiled at Dean. Sam had found his place too, four rows behind them and was already deep sunken into a book.

"Great", Dean said sarcastically, sitting down on the window seat. He felt horrible.

Cas, on the other hand sat down being excited about everything, not trying to think about what would happen after their arrival in Moscow.

They created a rather funny picture together, both looking so different right now.

What made Cas even happier were the safety instructions by the stewardesses, who all moved so precisely and synchronized. Dean didn't really notice though, as the plane engines had just started and the plane moved, even if only slowly and still on the ground.

"We're taking off!", the former angel exclaimed, taking his boyfriends hand and leaning towards the window. And he was right. The plane was moving faster and faster until finally, it took off the ground.

Dean moaned painfully when he felt the plane moving independently from the ground, soaring higher and higher into the sky. Cold sweat ran down his face and without noticing the pressed his boyfriends hand tight.

"Are you really alright Dean?", Cas asked worried, but Dean didn't answer more than slightly shaking his head. He felt closer to hell than he had in years.

Cas was terrified, seeing Dean like this, not being able to help him in any way. After a couple of minutes, when the seat belt sign had stopped glowing, he went over to Sam.

"Sam, Dean's feeling really bad", he mumbled, making Sam look up from his book.

"Damn...wait", Sam started searching through his bag, leaving Cas a short moment to notice the book he was reading. Amused Cas noticed that it was the book he lend him, the eighth Harry Potter book.

Finally Sam pulled out a little pack of pills, when Cas examined them he noticed sleeping pills.

"Give him one", Sam glanced over towards his pale white brother, "well maybe better two."

And so Cas did, Dean gladly took them, not even caring what he was just taking. Three minutes later he had visibly relaxed, some color back in his face, and could only barely keep awake.

"Sleep a little, Dean", Cas whispered calmy, but only getting a silent 'mhh' as an answer.

He put his arm around his boyfriend, letting his head rest against Deans and closing his eyes himself.

"Thanks Cas", Dean mumbled before falling asleep. But cas didn't want no thank, he just wanted his boyfriend to feel alright and arrive in Moscow save, as they would have enough trouble there anyways.

But he didn't want to think about that now...

Uhhhgg, this turned out horrible, as I wasn't exactly focusing and writing in class...Also I will write what happens in Moscow too maybe?

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