Chapter 14

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Hey guys, today's gonna be Christmas edition!! I hope you enjoy!

"We never celebrated, Sammy.",Dean said.
"I know, but I thought since Cas is around it might be fun this year? I mean we could just decorate the bunker a little and shit.",his brother shrugged.

"Christmas??", came voice from the corner, making the two turn around.

"Hey Cas."

"I would enjoy celebrating my half-brothers birthday!", the angel exclaimed exited, "I've heard about it before! "

Dean sighted. He wouldn't ever admit it, but seeing Cas like this made him really happy. Seeing him at all made Dean happy, put before he could get into this thought he pushed it away. It was just ridiculous for him to think like that...

"Soo, why don't you two get a tree then? I'm just gonna prepare some food.", Sam suggested.

"A tree", Cas tilted his head.

"I'll explain it to you in the car.", Dean sighed, pushing the angel slightly towards the door.

Since they would transport a tree, they didn't take the Impala but a small van, that stood around on the lot but wasn't ever really used. Dean hated driving that thing.

On their trip towards the woods some miles off, Dean explained the other man how Christians celebrated Christmas. But the angel didn't exactly get the concept.

"But Jesus' birthday wasn't even in winter! And also, why would you want a tree in your house again every year, isn't that a little repetitive?", Cas asked a little angry, "also it's very bad for the environment", he added muttering.

"Oh, I dunno, buddy , but that's how we do it, just roll with it, okay?"

Dean turned off the engine as they reached the end of a road into the woods. He took a small axe out of the trunk and stepped into the forest, followed by the other man.

It took a while until they found a tree they could agree on. It was a little bend but Cas said it gave him character and Dean just couldn't say no.

"Alright,let me just chop it off.", Dean said, starting to use the axe to chop through the small trunk of the tree. When it finally fell, it fell towards Dean, not quite as he planned, knocking him of the feet.

"Are you okay?", Cas asked scared, helping the other man back on the feet. Dean suddenly noticed how close they were, feeling the angels warm breath within the cold air.
They held eye contact for a second too long, until Dean suddenly stepped away, heaving up the tree.

"Let's go.", he muttered without answering Cas.

The trip back was awkwardly quiet, until Cas started talking.

"Am I making you uncomfortable, Dean? "

The other man furrowed his brows. "What? No, Cas, what makes you think like that?", he gazed over to the angel before returning his focus onto the street.

"You seem... distracted around me sometimes. ",the angel looked down and shrugged. "I might not be good with human emotions, but I think I know the problem"

Dean felt a rush of adrenaline piercing through his body. Did Cas know that he was... having a crush on him? He flinched when he noticed that he had finally admitted it to himself. Yeah, he did have a crush on the other man.

"Oh, amuse me, Cas, what is it?", he asked, playing a little too cool.

He felt Cas' eyes locked on him but he fixed his view on the road, unwilling to meet the other eyes.

"You dislike me Dean. You dislike me being around. ", Cas finally continued.

Now Dean did not know what to say. He had expected something, but this was actually the exact opposite.

"I don't dislike you, Cas, really", Dean chuckled. He thought he noticed a small smile on the angels face, followed by confusion. he knew that look by now.

"But what is it then?"

How could he possibly answer to this? Dean sighted, making a decision.

"It's... I don't know, Cas.", he made a break, but as he didn't get a reply he continued.
"You might be distracting to me."

"Is that a good thing", came a direct answer. The complete innocence in this question made Dean smile slightly.

They had just reached the bunker, so he turned off the engine and looked over to the other man, who looked at him, expecting am answer.

Dean swallowed hard, since he suddenly had become pretty nervous.

"Normally, it would be a bad thing. ", he started, "But you are distracting me in a good way, Cas. I don't know how else to explain it."

"I feel that too, Dean, what does it mean? ", the angel asked, making Dean smile.

"I can't tell you, Cas, really.", was his honest reply. "But we might be able to find out."
His hand shivered a little when he reached for Cas'. Finally, he took it and stoked it softly, making Cas squint his eyes.

"How does this make you feel?", Dean asked, finding his pleasure in analyzing the angels feelings.

"I like it very much."

So Dean decided to take it a step further, scooping over to the other man and softly pressing his lips onto the others. After a second he moved away.
"How about that?",he whispered.

"That too.", the angel said, his eyes almost closed. He looked incredibly content.
"Does that mean we're in love, Dean?", he asked.

This question made Dean chuckle, because he had just asked himself the same.
"I think so"

"I like that", smiled the angel, leaning towards Dean to start another kiss.

Naaaw I think I like this one and I will probably continue it tomorrow! As always, I'm eternally grateful for feedback and votes! !

P.s. I want to say thank you to all of you, since there are almost 1,6k of you already and I would have never expected that, but it's soo cool and to be honest ot gives me a huge confidence boost! So thanks again and I hope we'll have many many more fluffy puffy sometimes smutty destiel oneshota to share!!

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