Chapter 15

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Continuation of the last story, enjoy!

The first thing Sam saw was the gigantic green tree his brother carried when the two men returned to the bunker.  The second thing was that clearly something had happened,  though he had no idea what.
"You guys took a while.", he said helping his brother placing the tree at the designated place, but neither of them answered. 

Still,  he noticed weird looks between the two men and he decided not to ask. If they had finally admitted their feelings he would find out soon enough, he supposed and he didn't want to push them.  Not that he hadn't noticed since weeks anyways.

After a few minutes Sam went back into the kitchen,  setting up the table and food he had prepared,  leaving Dean and Cas to decorate the tree. They didn't have any decoration though,  so they just things they found : anti-possession bracelets,  empty bullet cases and even some paper stars Cas folded (he wanted to teach Dean who seemed to be specifically untalented at it)

When they were finished they stepped back, and admired their work. It looked a little ruff and patched together,  but they liked it.

Dean smiled lovingly at his angel, but turned around abruptly when his brother called  for dinner.

He gestured Cas to go.
"I'll join you two in a minute, I got something to do first", he said and started moving towards the stairs,  but not before kissing the angels cheek shortly.

When he joined the others at the table five minutes later he got questioning looks, but only answered them by shaking his head.

Sam had always been quite a cook, a d so the things he prepared were incredible, even the cherry pie he made for desert.
They had a great time,  eating,  laughing and for once not thinking about the next supernatural creature to hunt. 

After finishing they were all well stuffed and went to the living room,  only to notice the small bunch of hastily packed presents under the tree.
As the two men looked at him Dean shrugged.

"Well, it's Chistmas after all? Go open them guys!", he mumbled slightly embarrassed, throwing himself on the couch.

Cas took a small package with his name written on it and unwrapped it clumsily.  "Is this..."
"A Mobile Phone, Cas",Dean chuckled," Sam and I figured it would be helpful to be able to literally call you if possible. "

The angle smiled and sat down next to Dean, letting him explain how to deal with this piece of metal.
He totally invaded his personal space, but Dean didn't seem to bother a bit. He snuggled himself close to the angle.

Sam smiled when he pulled a huge stack of photos out of a wooden box and turned to Dean.
(Who of course scooped away from the angel right away)
"Wait, is this mom and dad? And,oh my god, that's us!", he asked astonished.

"I found them in the basement a few weeks ago actually... thought you'd like them", Dean explained.
"Thanks man", his brother said,  smiling a huge smile towards his Dean.  He was momentarily sunk into the pictures and memories they carried.

Dean turned back around to the angel, only to be surprised by soft, warm lips pressed onto his. After a second of giving in he moved away rather shocked, looking speechless at his brother,  who hadn't even looked up from the pictures in his hands.

"Stop waiting for a reaction, Dean, I'm like impossibly much less surprised than you might think", Sam finally said, making all three of them laugh for at least three minutes.

Dean felt suddenly a lot more comfortable. Even though he knew that his brother wouldn't bother about the things going  on between him and Cas, but still it was good to actually let him know.

There the three men sat, Sam occupied with all these precious memories he held in his hands
and Dean and Cas with eachother and the mobile phone.

Everything felt so different suddenly for Dean,
And everything felt good.

Merry Christmas to all of you sweethearts, I hope you have some good days without the usual family terror, but if you have remember it's only for a couple of days!

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