Chapter 17

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Sooo @duckies1127 commented this idea and I tried it? Also thaaaanks a lot for the inspiration, keep it up! Enjoy!

His breath made clouds in the cold air, when the Dean left the bar. The countdown had just started and Dean didn't want to be there, seeing Cas being kissed by this random chick on new years.

They had been flirting the whole evening, leaving Dean angry and drunk until he didn't want to take it anymore and went out.

Dean and Cas had kissed a couple of days ago, after Dean had finally admitted the feelings for the other man to himself. But since then they hadn't really talked.

At almost half past twelve Dean got so cold he reentered the bar, being greeted by his drunk brother and Gabriel, who'd been around an awful lot lately.

But after some minutes they left Dean alone at the bar, since he was rather grumpy and ruined their drunken happiness.

Dean ordered his third whiskey and started feeling tipsy when he felt someone standing behind him.

"You missed the countdown", said the fallen angel.

"I couldn't care less.", returned Dean annoyed. He didn't want to see anyone, Cas less than anyone else.

The other man though didn't seem to catch the hint and took Dean's arm, pulling the struggling man with him to the back door.

They entered a dark ally.

"WHA--", Dean started but couldn't finish, since the smaller man pushed him against the wall and kissed him passionately.

It took Dean a couple of seconds to understand what was happening before he could return the kiss. He took over control and turned around, leaving Cas at the wall now.

Breathing heavily he pulled away.

"What is this?", he asked, lowering his brows.

"Foreplay hopefully", returned the angel completely untypical. Usually he'd never be so determined and confident and Dean wanted to blame it on the alcohol. But he knew he was practically sober and Cas rarely ever drank.

He didn't mind a bit though.

With a nod he finally agreed, leading the way out of the ally.

The Impala parked only half a block away and they reached it in no time.

And as they did, Dean pushed the other man onto the back seats, placing himself on top carefully.

Cas moaned softly when Dean kissed his neck and bit him teasingly, feeling a full erection when his hands slid into the other mans pants.

For a second he hated his car for being so small, when he started undressing himself and the angel.

And for the first time this evening Cas felt flustered when Dean spread his legs. But he overcame this instantly as he felt the other man grinding into him, kissing his chest and stomach passionately.

Dean pushed up his knees and let his hand glide over his ass, rising his desire even more.

His fingers intertwined with the blonde hair on top of him, but he yelped when Dean inserted two fingered into his ass.

He moaned loudly, feeling a wave of lust rush over him. He had never experienced something like this before.

Dean entered his dick slowly, he knew since they had no lube that it would hurt like hell. Cas smiled at him assuring as he started moving, breathing heavily.

He yelled out a little too loud when he felt Dean hit the exact right spot inside of him, causing Dean to press his hand onto the other mans mouth and moving faster.

A hot rush flowed through him when he finally came, shooting his load all over Dean and himself. He teasingly bit into the other mans hand, still covering his mouth, feeling Dean come inside of him, moaning passionately.

Dean slid out of Cas, leaning back against the inside of the door, trying to catch his breath. Opening his eyes, he looked at Cas who had already started cleaning himself up.

"Where did this come from?", he asked, raising his eyebrows.

The fallen angel looked up and shrugged. "I didn't want to start the new year unkissed." This ultimately left Dean speechless.

Aaaarghh this was soo hard! What do you guys think? Happy New Year as well all you cuties! May the next year bring us a lot of new fics!

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