Chapter 4

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Hey guys, I know it took a while, I just moved to a new city so I have so much else to do!

But anyways, have fun and I'll be eternally thankful for votes and feedback!

"Hello Dean", Cas greeted him, appearing only inches in front of Dean.

Since they were officially together, which must have been around months already, Dean didn't mind personal space as much anymore. Still, the angels sudden appearance startled him.

"Hey Cas", he replied, planting a kiss on his lips, which the angel returned intensely.

"Get a room, guys", Sam said slightly annoyed about them making out only a few feet away from him.

Dean, pulling away from Cas, looked around the motel room with a witty gesture towards Sam.

"Okay Cas, so what's up?", Dean asked.

"There's a boy... about a hundred miles from here, I want you to take a look at him. ", replied Cas.

Sam looked at him, confused "But why?"

"He appears strange to us. A lot of omens around that area. We think he might be possessed.", came a fast answer.

"By who? Or more accurately what ?", Sam continued asking.

"We do not know. But I believe it is a very powerful demon."

So, having mo other option than to comply, the brothers agreed on helping, leaving the case they were currently working on at rest for a while.

It took them half a day to arrive in the small town in which Bill Darry, a fourteen year old boy, lived with his family. And Cas was right, a lot of strange things had been going on, Sam noticed while doing some research in the motel, while Dean and Cas got some food (at least that's what Dean said they were doing and Sam really did not want any details).

Disappearing people, strange insect plagues and burned down wood areas were only some of the things he found. There was no doubt something bad and very powerful was happening here.

So, when Dean and Cas were back at the motel, surprisingly with actual food, they decided they'd visit the boys house first thing in the morning.

How dangerous could a fourteen year old boy be, after all?

The house, a fairly normal suburban house, seemed to be empty when Dean knocked, but after a minute or two, a rather small boy opened the door.

"Hey, are your parents home? ", Dean asked him.

"Urr, no why?", came as an answer. Perfect.

With some excuses they invited themselves in, talking about being old family friends.

The boy, who indeed was Bill Darry, was pretty confused about the sudden appearance of the three men.

"You sure it's him? He doesn't seem possessed to me.", mumbled Dean to Cas, while Sam talked to the boy.

The angel looked even more confused than usual, silently talking about all the signs and the things other angels had told him.

"So, Billy, you're alone pretty often, huh?", Sam asked, overly casual.

"It's Bill. And sometimes...mum and dad work a lot", the boy paused, "how did you say you know them? "

"We've...been to school together, we were good friends, actually.", Sam replied, noticing the suspicion in the boys eyes.

"So, Bill, what do you do all day? You got some hobbies? ", he tried finding out anything unusual about the kid, but he failed. He seemed like a average hormone filled teenager.

In the meantime, Dean and Cas took a look around the house, finally finding the boys room upstairs. As everything here, it looked totally ordinary: posters of football players on the wall, playboy magazines hidden under the mattress.

But suddenly Dean found something strange in a drawer: a paper, what appeared to be a letter, in a language he didn't know.

Cas, noticing Dean's found, let out a small sigh, taking the letter from Dean's hand.

"You know what this is?", Dean asked quietly, not wanting to be caught. But the angel didn't reply at first, he seemed to fixed on the letter.

"It's an incredibly old writing", he mumbled, "something out of the Bible I think, about Luzifer, but it's so old..."

They looked each other in the eyes.

Without a word, both men turned and started to make their way downstairs, weapons ready.

But before they even reached the stairs, they heard a loud crash of a table or so falling over.

Dean, thinking about his brother alone with that demon teenager, ran downstairs, followed by Castiel.

The moment they entered the room, they were shocked. Sam lay on the floor, the boy, now having black demon eyes, over him, holding something that looked like a small blue torch.

But as they entered, the demon focused away from Sam toward Dean, his eyes, now again normal as before. He smiled friendly, which made it seem even more demonic.

"Dean, you're back! I've been wanting to talk to you for weeks!", the boy laughed, waving his hand and letting Sam fall, now face down on the floor and unable to move.

Cas held his breath, being overwhelmed with shock at this moment. He merely watched as the boy went over to Dean, not paying attention to him at all.

But when he saw the blade in the boys hand he suddenly snapped back from his trance, taking his angels knive and running over. He faced the demon, while he slid his throat and the demon bled out.

Only a second before the now unpossessed boy sank to the floor, his eyes locked with Castiels, filled with the sadness and despair only a the most helpless human can portray.

Motionless, Cas faced him as he sank to the floor, not noticing that Dean had stood up behind him, helping his brother. Only when he felt the hand on his shoulder he looked up.

"Cas", he heard Dean's voice so unusually soft, "let's get out of here."

And so they did.

Sam was ok, fortunately, he didn't get hurt apart from a mild concussion.

Back in the motel, Sam laying only barely consciously in bed, Cas turned to leave.

"Wait", he heard Dean, not loud but demanding. So he followed him outside.

"You okay?", Dean asked his boyfriend, who hasn't spoken since they left the boys house.

Cas nodded, not convincing the other man, who took both his hands in his own.

"He was a demon, Cas. ", Dean started, the angel took a moment until he replied.

"It was just a boy.", finally came as an answer, his eyes glimmering with tears.

Dean lay one hand on his boyfriend's cheek, not willing to let him leave like this.

"You saved a lot of people this way, but you can't save everyone.", Dean tried again, slightly uncomfortable talking like this.

"I know", Cas returned, trying to force a smile. He knew he did right, but he just couldn't forget the boys eyes , not the demons, but the innocent boys eyes.

"You wanna talk about it?", Dean asked again, noticing Cas' gaze.

But the angel just shook his head, silently.

Dean knew he couldn't really help, he's been through this often enough to know, so he just pulled his boyfriend closer, into a tight embrace. And for Cas, it helped, even if only a little, to know he wasn't alone.

They didn't talk for a couple of minutes, standing there motionless, before Cas pulled away, only to kiss Dean softly, letting all his love flow into this kiss, before he gently pulled away.

And just as fast as he had appeared yesterday morning, he vanished. Leaving Dean standing there with a slight smile on his face, before he went back inside to look after his little brother.

okay this was more action than romace I guess? But I hope you enjoyed it, darlings!

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