Chapter 7

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I'm so sorry, but I'll push the sequel further bc I reeeeeaally didn't plan it yet. I promise you I'll do it once I get a non-crappy idea

But first I wanna write more fluff stuff (tehe) enjoy guys! (It might get a little smutty? Who knows!)

Dean groaned, swallowing his last bite of pie. He really did earn it, too.

The brothers had just finished a case, a pretty nasty one. Now they stayed in a classy hotel, as there were no motels within this small tourist city. It was a nice change for once, actually.

Still, Sam was kind of restless.

"Dean, I'm gonna head to the library once more.", he exclaimed.

"Oh c'mon Sammy, let's just relax one evening! "

"Well, I still feel like somethings not right yet. And I'm gonna find out what it is."

Dean gave his brother an intense stare, before he let it go.

"Fine, whatever.", he stood up, "You know what I'm gonna do?"

Probably Cas, Sam thought. He knew about the things going on between his brother and the angel, even if neither had admitted it. He really didn't mind, he just wished Dean would be honest with him.

"I'm gonna go to the pool, bitch", Dean smirked, cleaning up the mess from dinner off the table.

"Jerk.", Sam muttered, taking his jacket, the car keys and heading out of the door.

Dean chuckled. He hadn't really thought of going to the pool, he just wanted to annoy Sam.

Actually, he had hoped Sam would leave, so he could have some time alone with Cas.

Not like they were a couple. They just spent some more time together than they used to. And occasionally made out during those times. Oh hell , maybe he'd even tell Sammy about it soon...

"There's a pool?", he heard a voice behind him.

When he turned around, the angels eyes that had just appeared, glowing with excitement.

"Hey to you, too", Dean answered ironically, stepping towards Cas and pulling him close.

Cas let it happen, wrapping the other man into his arms. Soon enough he felt Deans lips pressed into his, longingly. He returned the kiss just as eagerly, before pulling back after another few moments.

"I really love pools, Dean", the angel pleaded and Dean could hardly resist this annoyingly cute puppy face.

"Alright then", he answered to Cas' delight and went to the bathroom to fetch some towels.

"But", the angel began as they headed towards the huge glasshouse building next to the hotel where the pool was lat. "I do not have any bathing clothes."

"It's almost midnight Cas, I highly doubt there will be anyone besides us. We won't need any."

The angel looked at him, mildly confused, but then a smile widened over his face. He liked thinking of them in the pool alone. And additional to that, without clothes.

Just as Dean had thought, the pool was deserted, so the two man undressed quickly and got into the water.

Even though it was chilly outside these days, the water was nice and warm and they both swam a couple of lines. Not without a little race, which, of course, Cas won. Dean just couldn't let him loose.

"Cas, my fingers are getting wrinkly, I'll leave.", Dean said.

But Cas had different plans. With a smooth motion he pulled Dean close, standing very close in the chest-deep water.

"Another five minutes?", he asked, again puppy eyeing the taller man.

Dean looked into the angels eyes, deciding to pull him even closer.

"Let's make it ten, then", he mumbled, crushing his lips into Cas', who almost fell over.

The water seemed to boil around them, judging the intenseness of their kiss.

Deans hands surround the other mans waist, slowly sliding deeper onto that sexy ass he'd begun liking so much.

As he did, he could hear Cas softly moan into his mouth, which only made him more eager to go on.

He felt one of Cas' hands sliding along his hip and finally reaching his hard cock. He couldn't hold back any longer as he broke free of the kiss only to let out a moan.

"Maybe we should take this back to the room", Cas whispered, still stroking Dean underwater.

But Dean slightly shook his head, as he started pushing the angel gently to the side of the pool.

Softy he turned him around, kissing Cas' neck, back and strong shoulders and bend him over the side of the pool.

Finally, he let his dick slide into his boyfriends ass and started moving. The normally so calm Cas could hardly contain himself and moaned loudly, feeling Dean inside him move faster and faster.

"Yeah, you like that right?", Dean mumbled, softly biting into Cas' neck.

The angel couldn't hold back any longer, an intense heat rushing down from his stomach while Dean came into his ass.

Dean didn't pull out until the last drop of him had entered the other man, but finally coming to an end.

Still quite out of breath, he began,

"Yeah, I guess I really like pools, too"

Earning a chuckle from the angel.

But after all, they finally did have to leave the pool and made they're way back to the room.

Sooo wow this turn out really smutty, sorry for that (well,nah,actually not sorry) but never mind I'm pretty sure I won't really repeat that? How do you feel about smut? Have a great evening babies!

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