Chapter 18

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I found this while cleaning up, I don't even remember writing it.... oh yeah it's Dean's Pov! Also pre-installed!

And I fell asleep.

But suddenly, what felt like seconds later, my eyes flashed open and I felt too nauseous to breathe.

A bright light hit me and I wasn't able to see anything. After a few moments I recognised it as flashlight and it took me another few moments to feel that I was laying on a dirty wet cement floor and not any longer in my bed.

"Who're you?", demanded a deep voice behind the flashlight. I recognized it momentarily, how couldn't I.

"Cas? It's me!", I responded.

"Dean!?!", the angel muttered, the flashlight falling from his hand.

Even though there was barely any light left, I saw the other man running towards me, falling on his knees to get at my height.
Cas touched my forehead lightly with his index and middle finger, which made me shiver slightly.

"It's you! I can't believe it."

"Can you please explain to me what's going on goddamnit? Where are we?",I asked confused and leaned up on my elbow. I felt more and more uncomfortable as I became more conscious.
  Cas narrowed his eyes slightly, piercing mine in this dark... wherever we were.

"Come on.", he said without answering and got up, taking my arm to pull me with him.
The moment I stood on my leg, I sank down again. It wasn't that I felt nauseous, just incredibly weak and my joints felt stiff as if had lain here for ages. He took my arm over his shoulder and helped me walk, no further explanation at any kind.
His silence concerned me a lot, while we left that place, heading towards a door.
He opened it into a bigger, more lit room that blinded me for a second.

There was a simple bench at the opposite wall where he sat me down, taking his phone out of his pocket as he walked a few steps away.

I couldn't stand it any longer! Limping, I took the few steps towards him and grabbed the phone out of his hand, tossing it across the floor away for us. My hands resting on his shoulders, he didn't have any option but face me.

"What. Is. Going. On?!?!", I asked again, my eyes not leaving his piercing blue ones. Those ones , that had looked at me so lovingly just hours ago seemed now so cold and... Changed.

"You don't remember, Dean?", he asked weak, his face filled with a deep sadness.

I shook my head slightly. And as I did he sighted, pulling me back to the bench, sitting down next to me.

"You died." Were the only words he said while taking my hand. He turned it softly, looking down at it as if thinking.

"Two months ago, Dean, Luzifer got you, we don't even know how, and you were just... dead when I found you.", his eyes were filled with tears when he looked back up, which made my heart feel like it skipped a beat.
I couldn't believe a word he said, but I know he wouldn't ever make this up.
A terrifying thought filled my head at that moment.

"Where's Sam? ", I asked him not able to breath.

"He's okay, Dean, he's searching for a...someone who we though could help in Oregon. He's alright.", the angel said calming, raising one hand to rest it on my cheek.

Thank god Sam hadn't done anything stupid, as I would have. And since I knew he was okay I could focus on my angel, who obviously wasn't, sitting across me tears running down his face.

I smiled slightly.
"Well, I'm back now. It'll be alright, we'll figure it all out" I let my still weak hands slit up his chest and run them into his hair, resting on his neck finally.
His tears stopped eventually and I pulled him closer, kissing his salty cheeks, his nose and finally his soft, warm lips. I felt him sobbing slightly but I only pulled him closer, his chest close to mine and our breathing synchronizing.

He was so sad, but I'd do everything to make him feel better soon. To let him know I'd never leave him again.

And I never did.

Urgh... what do you think? Mostly, first person isn't really for me but I wanted to try... anyways guys I hoped you enjoyed it a little! Let me know if you did, or didn't!

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