Chapter 8

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Okokok I had this idea after my very very good friend Shay (her tumblr is loonyshay and you should definitely follow her! !) told me about a dream she had :3

Enjoy guys!

"Wake up", Cas hissed while shaking Deans arm. It was already after two am and the hunter was deep asleep.

"Come on, Dean, I gotta get to the bookstore! "

"You what? It's the middle of the night, go back to sleep already, baby", Dean mumbled in reply, not a bit interested about Cas' late night adventure.

"It's really important! ", the former angle had already gotten up and was now pulling his boyfriend out of bed.

"Damnit, If I come, you gonna let me sleep afterwards? What's this even about?" Dean gave up, getting out of bed and putting on a shirt.

"JK! She beyonce'd us!!"

"Who? What? I don't understand a thing, Cas! "

But the other man didn't bother to reply and continued pulling his deeply confused boyfriend towards the car.

Gladly, their flat wasn't far from a bookstore. Not that Dean had ever cared, but Cas' excitement made him rather interested himself. What on earth could ever be so exciting happening in a bookstore? At two am?!?

But when the car came closer, Dean could see the store not being closed, actually it was crowded with people!

"Ok, Cas, please enlighten me, what's going on?", Dean asked, parking the car on the opposite side of the store and getting out of the car not nearly as fast as his boyfriend.

"There's a new Harry Potter book!!! Nobody even knew this would happen!", the former angel almost screeched, leaving the other man standing in utter astonishment. After a few steps he noticed, shooting Dean a questioning look.

The hunter regained his voice.

"Harry Potter? Are you serious Cas? I didn't even know you were into this stuff!"

"Wait, you mean you never read it??", the angel began,"I began reading it still being an angel! Everyone reads Harry Potter!"

The former angel continued walking into the store filled not only with children (at two am on a Tuesday!!) but also with dozens of adults. As Cas said, everyone's been caught totally off guard about the new book.

The normally so confused Cas skillfully slid through the mass of people, followed by the struggling hunter who still couldn't exactly understand why he was here.

After some minutes he found his boyfriend next to the cash register, already having paid not one, but eight thick book, which were now heavy in his arms.

"Take this, will you?", the former angel asked, shoveling about five books into Deans arms.

"Urrrghh, what the hell is all this?"

"Well, books obviously?", Cas said confused making his way back to the car. On the ride back he explained his slightly annoyed boyfriend, that he had just bought all books of the series! And not even for himself, but for Dean to read. He, of course refused, but Cas made an agreement with him at least reading the first chapter of the first book. Not much Dean figured, thinking about the reward his boyfriend had offered.

Finally they arrived back home, where Cas directly started reading, and grumpy Dean, too, finally.

"Dean, may you please put out the light? It's 5am and I wanna sleep for a couple of hours at least!", the former angel pleaded after finishing only one third of his book.

"I get it, you won that deal, and you're gonna get your reward tomorrow", he said, gently letting his hand slide down Deans stomach, onto his junk. But other than his usual reaction to this this, the hunter removed his boyfriends hand rather roughly.

"Goddamnit Cas, please, not now! Fucking Snapes messing with Hermoine! Such a dick!", Dean explained, not taking his eyes away from the book.

Cas didn't mind, though, as he turned around and curled together, a grin all over his face. He had won this argument so easily.

The next morning, well, almost midday, when Castiel woke up, he found his boyfriend sleeping with the book still in his hand. So, without waking him, he left for the kitchen to make some breakfast, still being uplifted by his triumph.

After A while, a tired looking Dean came into to kitchen, looking hungrily over to the pancakes Cas had just finished making.

"Morning", he smiled, walking over to his boyfriend. "Thanks for breakfast, too",he said, thanking him again with with a loving warm kiss. Cas felt him still warm from bed and smelling like sleep. He barely wanted to let go of him, but his growling stomach made him.

After eating the first bite of the sweet delicious pancakes Cas managed to bake so well since he became human he asked "So you up for some reward after breakfast?", smiling at Dean.

"Can't! Fell asleep before I found out whether Ron's okay, gotta get back reading", and after seeing Cas grin he added "I'm not gonna read the second book, you know?"

But Cas did know. He wouldn't see much of his boyfriend before he had finished all books, but he didn't mind. After all, everyone reads Harry Potter!

For once, he had managed to show Dean something new and not the other way around.

Soooo what do you think? Somehow I like that the roles are a little swapped in this one , compared to most other fics?

And also, I hope you (especially YOU, SHAY) enjoyed, babes.

And don't forget to vote/comment :3

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