Chapter 23

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The right thing...

"Dean, its urgent", a voice woke Dean in the middle of the night. He needed a moment to realize that the voice was coming from Cas. Inside his room.

"Cas? What are you doing here?"

"I found it.The tablet."

Dean sighed and fell back into his pillow. Cas still hadn't understood that humans needed sleep, it seemed.

But there was no help, after all they had to get this tablet, and soon, before Cowley or someone even worse would find it.

"Cas... you mind letting me get dressed or you wanna watch?", Dean asked sarcastically and saw the angel blush, just before he disappeared.

But as soon as Dean had dressed and left his room, he reappeared next to him, holding out his hand to him.

"Urm, Cas? What's this gonna be?", now it was Deans turn to blush, thank god it was dark outside.

"We got to get to Italy",the angel explained, making Dean blush even more from embarrassment. Why else would Cas hold out his hand like a toddler?

The angel broke out in a coughing fit, when they landed on the street of a small town in southern Italy. It took Dean some strength to keep the angel on his feet, putting his arms over his own shoulders to keep him upright. So they stood basically hugging in the streets. At night. The few people around them looked at them quite curious, as if trying to figure out whether they were a couple or whether Dean was actively murdering a man on the streets. Common mistake.

After a couple of minutes Cas regained himself, letting Dean feel quite awkward when noticing that there was no actual need for him still supporting him.

"Um, okay,what now?", Dean asked, slightly flustered.

"This school over there, it's in fact just a facade. I am hoping no one has yet discovered it and we will manage fast.", the angel explained.

So they went into the modern looking building. After opening the door a cold rush of wind made Dean blink several times, when he opened his eyes the place had changed from a normal, empty school entrance, to a ancient looking temple.

"Geez, wonder what else these dudes have planned for us." Cas cleared his throat, "That was me... security measures."

Since Cas vaguely knew the place, they didn't struggle a lot making progress, so far, easy going.

Half an hour might have passed, when they opened a very ordinary looking door and stepped into a small, closet like room.

"This is it", the angel said, surprising Dean greatly.

"You sure...? Seems pretty-"

But Dean didn't get to finish that sentence, since the floor started to move under his feet, dropping him into a black pit. He landed on a stone surface, hitting his shoulder and hip hard on impact.

He groaned when he looked around the well lit hall, finding himself alone. Panic started to rise in him when he couldn't see Cas landing or appearing around him, until he felt a sharp pain in the neck. His hand darted to the point, and felt warm liquid rush down his collar as the world began to fade around him.

"Dean, DEAN!", a voice seemed to call him from very far away, he tried to open his eyes, but as soon as he tried, the world around him seemed to fade furthermore. Faintly he felt himself getting picked up before he passed out again.

"You've got to! You can't leave him to die!", Cas voice sounded faint in his ear, filled with a despair he had never hear before.

"Why would I? He's a Winchester", a voice chuckled. Cowley "Only trouble, these boys. You're better off without him anyways, darlin"

"Do it or I'll spend the rest of eternity making you wish you did", never had he heard such a dark tone in the angels voice.

A low sigh from Cowley and then agonizing pain rose through his limps, reaching his center like burning fire inside of him. And he heard screams and for an absurd moment he thought his voice had changed, until he realized that it was Cas screaming and growing fainter.

He awoke in a field, feeling as fine as if he just took a nap. The whole scene seemed so surreal to Dean, now standing up in the bright sunlight. His hand automatically touched his neck, which was fine, no scar, no blood, no pain.

He looked around himself with more interest, seeing something in the grass, a good 300 feet away from him. When Dean took a closer look, it wasn't something, someone! CAS!

Without thinking he hurled into a sprint, falling on his knees next to the unconscious angel in the grass. Blood stained Deans clothes and hands when he lifted the limb head, trying to wake up his dying friend.

"Cas,of fuck Cas wake up. C'mon you can't do this!", Dean continued talking. He almost believed that Cas was actually dead, when he opened his eyes.

And started coughing blood.

"What happened, fuck, tell me what to do." A cold dread pierced through the hunter. He was sure that Cas would die soon if he wouldn't do anything.

"Don't worry Dean, I'll be alright" smiled the angel weakly. "I did it for you, it was the right thing"

His eyes fell closed.

...the right thing

Hmm, maybe I'll leave this a cliffhanger

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