Chapter 3

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Not much to say, except for that this will get really cheesy! Enjoy guys!

Dean woke up with a scream, finding himself almost completely on top of Cas, his fists clenched around the former angels collar.

He let go immediately as he saw the terrified look in Cas' eyes.

Feeling the sweat running down his face he tried to get this thoughts straight, at which he failed greatly.

He needed to get out of here. And even more, he needed a drink.

In, what felt like less than a minute, he managed to get dressed and picked up his car keys from the small table. He ignored Cas' voice calling after him on the way out.

It didn't take long to get to the next bar and it was still early enough for it to be crowded. But Dean didn't exactly care. He found an empty seat at the far end of the bar and ordered a double whiskey. Then another.

When his third drink arrived, he felt himself slowly calming down, the thoughts in his head getting dull and less intense.

For the first time since he arrived, he let his eyes sway through the crowd, only to meet the gaze of a tall, blonde woman. She retuned his gaze with a smile and slowly walked over to him.

"All alone here, pretty boy?", she asked, placing one hand gently on his shoulder.

"I guess not anymore", smirked Dean, gesturing towards the empty seat next to him.

Natalie, as the woman introduced herself, turned out be surprisingly charming. And incredibly flirty.

"So, what are you up to tonight? ", she asked after a few minutes, placing her hand on his knee.

At this moment, Dean became absolutely sober again. What was he even doing here? He had a boyfriend, no, not just any boyfriend, it was Cas!

"Uh, Natalie, I should go now", he mumbled, turning to leave.

"So, you gotta girlfriend, right?", she demanded.

"Not exactly", shrugged Dean.

"Seriously, you're married?", she returned sourly.

Dean sighted and turned around, face to face with the woman. "No, but I'm gonna go home to my boyfriend now, okay?", he said plainly.

It didn't take him long to be able to leave the bar after that.

Sitting in his Impala, he took a deep breath. He had no idea what to tell Cas, he just wanted to be with him again. So he drove back to the shoddy motel.

"Cas?", Dean asked gently, opening the motel room door.

"Over here.", he heard his boyfriend answer. Cas was sitting on one of the motel chairs, wearing his sweatpants and shirt. He looked...tired, lost.

"Damnit," Dean started, walking over to Cas, not sure what to do or say. He just wasn't good at this emotional bullshit, but he did know that he had seriously fucked up.

"I'm really sorry,Cas, I...I promise this won't ever happen again."

"Okay." Cas promptly answered. It was pretty obvious that nothing was okay.

"I had a nightmare, I'll figure it out, really. I didn't wanna attack you like that, I swear.", Dean started again.

Cas finally looked at him and stood up. Only inches from Dean he did not exactly help Deans concentration.

"Dean, I am not angry about that.", Cas said, his eyes penetrating the taller mans.

"You're not-", Dean began, only to be stopped by Cas' hand in front of his face.

"Let me finish. I am not angry about you having a nightmare. After all you went through, it is just understandable you... have to deal with it somehow.

"But you ran. I am not sure, but I think I am sad because of that."

Deans eyes narrowed in confusion.

Cas sighed and continued.

"I know I am not very skillful with these feelings, but I would appreciate you giving me a chance to help you, Dean."

He looked down. Clearly finished with his little speech, that had left Dean without words.

Finally after what felt like minutes, Dean put his hand underneath the other man's chin, pulling it up and looking him intensely in the eyes.

"You're right, Cas. It's just... not that easy for me." He took a deep breath. "I'll try,okay?"

But instead of a reply, he felt Cas soft lips pressed against his and Dean automatically pulled his boyfriend closer, completely leaning into the kiss.

He had to smile, without pulling away from Cas. Silently, he pushed Cas onto the bed.

Okay I don't know how I feel about it, but it was definitely harder to write than I thought it would be!

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