Chapter 6

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I'm so sorry for not updating in ages :(( also, over 200 fucking people read my stories? Holy shit! Well, with great power comes great responsibility, so I'll do my best honeys! !

This one will be long, I warn you, and less romance than actually action (in a non-smutty way ;))

"Is that guy checking me out?", Dean thought, staring over to a dark haired man on the other side of the room. He could have sworn he had seen him before.

He had just arrived at a drugstore when he noticed the man, wearing a trenchcoat and a shaggy suit.

Whatever... he continued his little shopping tour, trying to ignore that uncomfortable feeling.

After all, he was in a hurry. He just wanted to grab some things before heading back to the motel, where Sam was waiting. They had finished a smaller case yesterday, but Sam had noticed other things going on not far from here.

Bad things.

To Deans annoyance the man also joined him in the checkout line. Which was, only them two and a tiny Asian lady, that seemed to be at least a hundred years old.

Dean threw some crumpled up dollar bills on the table and grabbed his bag, heading to the door.

Was that guy still looking at him? He couldn't shake the feeling of being watched.

And this did not change when he finally got near his baby, parked in a rather dark parking spot in the ally. Something wasn't quite right here, and if anyone would notice, it was him.

He took a sharp turn, passing parallel to his car, dropping the bag of groceries almost unnoticeable behind the back tire and continued walking towards a even darker part of the street. Behind a tree, he stopped abruptly, waiting motionless for anything to happen.

And it did.

To Deans huge surprise, the other man barely startled when he pressedagainst the tree, knife in hand. No, the man actually seemed pretty relaxed.

"Who're you, huh? Why are you fucking following me?", Deans asked, his eyes puncturing the stranger .

"Let go of me, Dean", the trenchcoat guy replied in a surprisingly deep and cool voice.

But it did not exactly work, as Dean took hold onto him even firmer, one hand searching for the small bottle in his pocket.

"I'm no---", but the man couldn't finish his sentence, as a splash of holy water hit his face.

Exept for him now being wet, nothing really changed.

"... not a demon.", he sighed, not calming Dean in the slightest.

"I'm Castiel. We've met before, but you will not remember.", the cool voice continued in a somehow strange way, too formal for this setting.

Dean let go of him, even though he did not know why exactly. But he remembered something, at least he thought so.

"You're an angel.", Dean stated more than he asked. The first time the other man, Castiel, seemed to be surprised, as his eyes narrowed slightly.

"You remember?", he asked, not replying to Deans statement.

"No", Dean heristated, thinking whether he might tell too much. "But you act like one. You act like Gabriel"

"I forgot you were still in contact with my brother.", Castiel admitted.

Me less than Sammy, Dean thought, but let it go.

"Why are you here, Castiel?"

"To warn you. To protect you. And Sam", he answered while he cautiously looked around, "but let us not talk here."

But they didn't talk sitting in the car, mostly because Dean didn't really know what was even going on and what the hell he was doing, but he couldn't bring himself to ask anything useful.

The ride was short and they arrived quickly at the motel.

"Did you bring the pie, Dean?", Sam asked hearing the door opening behind him. But he forgot his question as he turned around.

"Who's that?", he asked, more confused than anything.

"Castiel", the angel answered for himself.

"An angel of the Lord", Dean added smirking.

Sam's reaction couldn't have been more similar to his brothers'. But after a couple of minues they got through that, finally getting back to the point.

"Lucifer.", Castiel said, "He's getting more powerful. I see you noticed already.", he added by pointing at the wall, which was plastered with newspaper articles Sam had found about the omens in the area.

"Okay. So what now?", Sam asked searching for a further explanation.

The angel sighed and turned to Dean.

"He's coming for you."

"Why?", Dean asked, staying way too cool for what he just heard.

Castiel started explaining, not saying much more than the two men already knew. Dean, being Michaels vessel, even if he didn't agree with that point, became too dangerous, and as Lucifers power increased, he had selected his first target. His most dangerous obstacle on his way to earth, on his way to walk freely amongst more than seven billion humans.

"Now, what do we do?", Sam finally asked, his forehead clearly showing signs of his concern for his brother.

"I will take Dean with me.", Castiel answered after a long pause. He knew Sam and Dean wouldn't appreciate that.

"Definitely not.", Dean said, making clear this was not up for debate. Not that this was somehow surprising.

"In that case, I got orders to stay." Castiel seemed not to be joking.

Great. A literal guardian angel for Dean. He couldn't be happier...

Don't be scared my darlings this is not the end I just decided to split it up to make it less boring :3

(and to give me some more time to be creative)

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