Chapter 9

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Wrote this a couple of days ago in color and composition class at college! I think that explains a lot! Enjoy my babies!

Cas finally, after weeks, got Dean to go to the tool store with him. They had moved into their first apartment almost a month ago and they had pretty much lived on a construction site since then.

Dean didn't mind though, he enjoyed every moment with Cas, whatever furniture they had or not. But he knew Cas would love to decorate the apartment a little.

"These colors look identical, Cas!", Dean said, answering to the two stripes of paper Cas held towards him.

"Not at all! Look, this one is almost green!", the former angel stated, "Let's just take that one"

"Well, fine, whatever." Dean turned around strolling towards the aisle with bathroom tiles.

"Hey, wait, where are you going? We still need a color for the bedroom!"

Dean sighed and turned around. How could their small apartment need so many colors?

"Ok, which one do you want?", he asked, smiling patiently at his boyfriend.

"Well, what do you want?"

Dean looked around, seeing a dozen of different colors that all looked the same to him. So he just picked randomly.

"How 'bout... this one?"

"Seriously? That's red Dean!"


In the end, they agreed on a color and managed to leave the store heading home.

Cas, other than Dean would have thought, was really good at all this renovating stuff, whilst Dean could have bearly done worse.

But the kitchen and living room were done faster than expected, leaving Cas content with the chosen colors.

Then, they reached the bedroom...

"It's too dark, isn't it?", Cas asked, eyeing Dean sadly.

Dean, though, liked the color. It matched his boyfriend's eyes beautifully.

"It's okay, Cas, really.", he tried convincing the other man, but he didn't seem to manage quite well.

"Let's just add another color.", Cas sighted.

Dean noticed his boyfriend not exactly being satisfied. And after all, that was the only reason for doing the whole thing.

"You want me to go get the other color?", Dean asked, hugging Cas from behind and kissing his neck.

He hated seeing him unhappy. He'd even endure another trip to the store to fix it.

"You'd do that?", the angel smiled, turning around into the other mans arms.

"Sure.", Dean said, kissing the smaller man softly on the forehead. "Be right back."

Cas only had to wait about half and hour for his boyfriend to return with a new bucket of paint.

"That's exactly the color I wanted!", Cas said exited after they finished. Dean thought it was adorable how happy this little difference made Cas.

"Yeah, it's alright.", Dean chuckled, not caring a bit about the color.

The former angel wrapped his arms around Deans waist. He was happy with Dean, now living in an apartment which really was their apartment. And all this happiness he put into the soft kiss he planted on Deans lips. And Dean willingly laid into it.

After all, he did want a reward for all the work he did today.

"Guess we'll need a bed soon, too.", the former angel giggled after pulling away from his boyfriend.

But Dean just slightly shook his head, pulling his boyfriend towards the mattress on the floor.

"Nah, this'll do.", he smirked, laying down and pulling Cas with him.

Short I guess?

Ohhh and can u manage to get me to 666 readers until Halloween? That'd be too cool!

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