Chapter 19

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Hey guys, again, I got inspired by a weird tumblr post. Human Cas. Also Pre-installed again! Enjoy!

"I'm going to die.", Dean laughed while pouring monster energy into his coffee.

He and his boyfriend had been up all night driving from the west coast, where they had a job, back to the bunker. Cas had insisted on taking a break, but after about 3 hours Dean pushed him to get going again, since Sam had been being really urgent about them coming back when he called a day ago.

Dean wouldn't admit it, but he was incredibly worried, since a lot of bad stuff was going on with his brother.

He'd just take one for the team this time, even if that meant almost no sleep for two days straight.

"That is the possibly unhealthiest thing I've ever seen you do Dean! You're going to have a heart attack.", the former angel remarked, sitting next to him on the passenger seat.

He tried staying awake with Dean, but he just didn't manage, so after three hours back on the road, at 4 am he practically passed out, leaving Dean alone with his burden of getting them back home.

Cas lay on his seat, curled up like a cat, his jacket covering him as a blanket. Dean couldn't help but smile as he finally parked in front of the bunker and looked over. It was just adorable.

Still, they had to go look after Sam.

"Wake up, Cas!", Dean said, stroking his boyfriends cheek.

Blinking a couple of times, Cas woke up, smiling back.

"Sorry for falling asleep", he yawned as he got up, stretched and followed Dean out the car.

They got in the bunker, Dean being visibly tense. Cas took his hand, pressing it reassuringly.

"Sammy? You there?", the hunter finally called, walking into the kitchen.

He couldn't believe his eyes when he saw his brother looking up at him.

He sat at the table, a bowl of cereal in front of him.

"Yeah?", he mumbled, swallowing his fruit loops. Dean stared in utter disbelief.

"So, what's your fucking emergency here,Sam?", he asked, starting to get angry. His brother looked perfectly fine and well fucking rested to him.

"Oh never mind, I managed", the younger brother shrugged focusing back on his breakfast.

"YOU MANAGED", Dean answered sarcastically, "and how about you give me a goddamn call then!?!? I drove like 30 hours straight to get here!"

"I'm sorry Dean", Sam answered calmly "I never told you to rush, it wasn't a huge thing." He remained way too calm for Deans taste.

"Whatever you fucking bitch I'll go to bed!", he stormed out of the room, up the stairs.

Cas just didn't want to follow him directly, giving him some time to calm so he just sat ate fruit loops with Sam. Since he became human, he had started liking breakfast cereal and fruit loops were his absolute favourite.

Half an hour later he went upstairs to his and Deans bedroom to look after his boyfriend, and since he was deep asleep he decided to take a nap himself, snuggling next to Dean.

Later, in the afternoon Dean woke back up, feeling a lot better, even when he was still angry at his little brother. His stomach growled so he made his way to the kitchen, findind Cas sitting at the table.

A huge smile filled the former angels face when he entered.

"I made pancakes Dean, you got to taste! I think I got them right this time!", he glowed.

Dean wasn't quite sure whether he wanted to taste, remembering his boyfriends last try at making pancakes.

His hunger though made him take the risk, so he shoved a huge load of pancakes on a plate and sat down opposite of Cas.

Admittedly, these pancakes were awesome.

"Dean, I had an idea.", the other man started, still smiling over his great pancakes.

Dean looked at him questioning.

"I think you should teach me to drive! I want to be part of the team, so I think I should! Also I think I would help you--"

"Sure, Cas", Dean stopped the well prepared speech. He actually had thought about it too.

So, after eating Dean drove them to a empty road where Cas could practice.

Dean sighed as he turned the key and killed the engine.

"Be good to my babe", he said before getting out of the car. The angel scooped over while he walked to the other side, visibly nervous.

"You ready?", Dean asked.

Cas studied the area in front of him.

"I think so"

Dean scooped over, sitting very close to the angel and started explaining. Turning the key, stepping down the pedal , slowly letting it go. So far so good.

"No... no, No No NO NO Stoooopp,Cas!", Dean yelled as the car started moving- way too fast and with rather unhealthy noises.

Apruptly the car stopped and the engine died.

"What??", Cas exclaimed, "I did as you told me to!"

"Okay, this wasn't even close to what I told you! Try again, carefully", Dean said, trying to stay calm. Obviously teaching wasn't his strength.

Nor was patience, Cas realised as he didn't get it right after the what felt like tenth time.

He sighed desperately as the engine died again, letting his head drop on the wheel.

And even though Dean might not have been the nicest person the last thirty minutes, it almost broke his heart seing his boyfriend like this. He rubbed his back assuringly until he looked up.

"Can we stop for today?", he asked low spirited.

Dean planted a kiss on Cas' lips, soft and with all the love he had for the other man, trying to make up for his previous harshness.

"Of course. Why don't we try again tomorrow?", Dean finally asked.

The other man nodded slowly before getting out of the car, only to reenter it on the other side.

Dean proposed heading to a restaurant for lunch, which cheered him up slightly.

He silently decided that his next driving lesson would be with Sam, because after all, Dean WAS a horrible teacher, at least if it came to teaching him driving.

Wait the last sentence wasn't supposed to sound kinda dirty (pssst yes it was).

Can you guys do me a favor and tell me if I make a spelling mistake repeatedly? As you might know this isn't my first language and it'd help me a lot!!! Thanks already and don't forget to vote if you enjoyed :3

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