Twenty Three

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Chloe's POV.

It's been three weeks and today I just got my stitches out. Right now I'm trying to find a dress for tonight's party.

It's my birthday today and the guys and I are staying in a suite in a huge hotel.

They won't let me in and made me go out and buy an outfit for tonight.

Louis and I talked about me dying my hair again. I was angry and wanted to show them I wasn't dependant on them.

So I'm going back to blonde. I walked through the the Isles of clothes until i found a beautiful dress that had a black top with a peach fishtail skirt the sides and back were cut out and it was outstandingly sexy.

I grabbed it and basically sprinted to the till after grabbing black booties and they dye.

After paying and getting to the hotel room Lou told me to be in i started to get ready.

I ran a bath and poured bubble bath in. Once it was filled to a few inches from the top i stripped out of the cotton shorts and tank top and slid in as a small gasp escaped my lips.

I sunk down in resting my head on the back of the tub. After a few minuets I began to get down to business. I washed and shaved all over from my eyebrows down I was bald.

I stepped out wrapping a pink and white towel around my small body.
J sat down on the bed oops it the mirror and began to blow dry and curl my hair.

Oh yeah I dyed my hair in the bath which you can do by the way.

I finished dying my hair and it was now a lovely shade of beach blonde and with alot of highlights in it.

I curled my hair and placed a few black Diamond clips in it.

I slid into the dress and tucked my feet into the booties. I then put my make up on, powder foundation, mascara, eyeliner, smokey eyeshadow and red lipstick.

I smile in the mirror and to a full body selfie and posted it on twitter and Facebook.

Ready for a few pints and good beats on the birthday! Xx

I hit post and then Lou walked in. I turned over to him and he engulfed me in a hug.

"Happy Birthday Baby. One of you presents." Louis said handing me a box. I looked up at him as he looked down at me. Even with me in heels he still happens to be taller.

I undid the bow and slid off the lid and what I saw surprised me so much.

"L-lou, no." I gasped looking up at him.

It was the matching promise rings we got when I was 13 almost 14.

"Yep. Same ones" he said lifting mine out and sliding it onto to my right ring finger.

"Chloe Ritchie. I Louis Tomlinson promise to love, care and protect you. Nothing will ever come before you and I will always be by your side. I promise to some day make you my wife and have half a dozen little kids running around us." He said finishing it off with a kiss.

"Louis Tomlinson, I Chloe Ritchie promise to care and love you even if you hate me. I promise I will always be here for you and be your wife some day. I promise to put your life before mine and do everything in my will to keep you happy." I whispered kissing him.

His hands made their was around my waist as he held me making me feel safe.

He began to kiss down my neck and his hands began to lower but I stopped him.

"Later!" I whisper shouted

"Later." He confirmed taking my hand in his. He led me down corridor after corridor.

He then open a door and we walked in. It was dark and quiet. Normally everyone jumps out and scares the Shit of of the birthday girl or boy.

But no in was expecting it when the lights dashed on and everyone jumped out "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" and or "SURPRISE"

I smiled and hugged into Lou and we walked through the people but Lou was leading me another way.

"You second surprise is I invited someone you might want to see." He whispered into my ear over the loss music playing.

He lead me to what looked like a kitchen. Then i saw him
My brother.

A.N guys j forgot the brothers name so let's just call him Jason. Om not sure if that is his name in other chapter.

"Jason!!" I squealed running into his arms. They wrapped around me and he set his head on top of mine as I nuzzled into his chest.

"Hey zippy" he whispered. He always called me zippy because I was a very talkative little girl and I guess the name stuck with me.

"Three years. Mum told me you were sleeping around got pregnant and left her." He pulled away looking into my eyes.

Pure anger boiled inside of me at hearing this. That lying bitch.

"No. Lou got me pregnant we had a problem and spilt and now we are back together. 'Mum' kicked me out and kept no contact with me." I hissed

"Thank god. I didn't want to believe her until i heard your side and I know when your lying but I couldn't get contact with you until Lou invited me." He said and kissed my forehead.

"Now I would like you to meet Lilly, my future wife." Jason said with a smile tugging at his lips.

A tall thin brunette walked over and joined him wrapping his arm around her waist.

"Hi Chloe. I'm Lilly" She cheerfully smiled tugging me forward into a warm hug.

"Hi." I squeaked out. And gagged her back.

"Well Chloe you have to come to the wedding with Louis of course and little Brooke. " Jason smiled kissing Lilly on the head.

I smiled and nodded. I looked over at Lou and he nodded too.

"Come on babe." He said pulling me into the middle of the living room that when I noticed the for boys on a stage a Lou making his way up.

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