Twenty Seven

33 3 1

Chloe's POV

I sat on the swing in the little park. I knew Lou had been drinking and he didn't completely mean the words he said but I knew he meant the part about Matthew and Alex.

We were best friends through high school along with Sibyl and Sydney. When I had to get the picture with Louis and go to the winner dance I had to spend the whole night with Louis. That's how we met.

I fixed the black shiny dress I had on while I walked into the dance with Louis.

Yes every girl is basically in love with him. He was tall, fit, well built a and head of the football team. Then from what I've heard because I'm the cheerleader captain every guys wants me. I doubt it...

"We have to sit with your squad and my team there at a table on the stage." He said Pilling me along.

I yanked my hand away from his and he spun around raising and eyebrow at me.

"I can clearly walk on my own with out dragging me. So keep you manwhore hands to yourself." I spat at him and walked in front of him to the table.

Once I approached I saw to seats near the top reserved for us...beside each other. I groaned and Miley laughed shaking her head as her brown curls bounced about.

I say down and slouched in the chair.
Soon enough the ass himself came and sag down besides me.

"Well lads." He gave them a nod. And I scoffed. Everyone turned to look at me and I glared giving them the finger.
"Let's get this straight you 14 and you captain and your "date" is 17 three years older? " Toby asked from where he sat

"Yes" I said pulling at the quiff my fringe was in, pumping it up slightly.

"Well remember you two have to look "in love" all mushy and shit." Riley said and I nodded. .

"Okay everyone settle down settle down. It's now time for the speeches From our team captains." The principal called from the stage.

I sighed as he stood up taking my hand and I followed suit.

We made our way up to the mics. He was speaking first.

"Hello everyone. First of all I would like to welcome the other schools from around England. We had a great time in the matches with you and we were so happy to have won, uhh I would like to thank all the members of the team and everyone who supported us and especially the beautiful cheerleaders. " he said stepping back squeezing my hand.

I stepped forward and stood in front of the mic.

"Hi everyone first of all as Louis here said thanks to everyone who is here tonight. It was a great opportunity for my squad to be apart of his magnificent journey. Each match we cheered was from our hearts and we our glad to be apart of this school and the team lastly as you all know the regionals are next week and we will be seeing all the other squads there. Our routine is risky and dangerous so I'm going to thank the girls in advance for not dropping me. Hint hint" I said and everyone was laughing now even Louis.

"So thanks again to everyone who took part and just remember you in the house of glory and you ain't getting that trophy back." I sussed and our school came out with cheers and chants.

Louis then scooped me up and lowered me his hand on the bare skin of key back and the dress had no back.

"I've been waiting to do this for a while" He whispered and firmly pressed his lips onto mine. My eyes fluttered closed and I kissed him back. Electric shocks were sent up my spine and the hall went into silence I head the clicks of cameras and smirked as Louis did the same.

We pulled away and waved as we walked back to the table.

We went on and a two sets after that night he asked me out and that was the start of our relationship.

I sighed pulling my jacket closer around my body as it began to rain. I pulled out my phone seeing I had 25 missed calls from Louis 23 from Harry 19 from Zany 21 from Liam and 15 from Niall.

I checked the time seeing it was 11:36pm I stood up and started to walk back to the arena which was a 20 minuet walk.

I whimpered ad the rain got heavier and heavier until it was hail stones. I sighed and wrapped my arms around myself as I sped up my walk.


I walked up the steps of the bus and heard Brooke screaming and crying. I opened the doors of the bus stepping in and it was still raining.

I closed them and walked in. I looked up and saw Brooke running to wards me still crying.

"Mummy mummy mummy" she jumped into my arms and hugged into me still crying.

"Shhhh it's okay. Why are you not in bed?" I asked her. She sniffed and didn't answer.

All five boys Dan out I to the hall way and stared at me. Lou had tears running down his cheeks and hos eyes were res and puffy.

I scoffed and pushed past them all and made my way to the bunks. I unzipped Brooke's setting her in kissing her on the fore head.

She was knackered the poor wee soul. She closed her eyes and cuddled into the many pillows I had placed inside of it.

I heard the boys mumbling but ignored them. I went on my bunk and pulled out a fluffy jumper and grey sweats quickly stripped out of my soaked clothes and pulled on the new dry ones.

Lucky I had a hood on my jacket so my hair was dry. I walked out of the sleeping area and into row kitchen area where all the boys sat with a distressed Louis Tomlinson.

I thew my clothes into re wash basket and made my way over to the kettle. I filled it with water from the faucet and then placed it back on the stand pushing down the little Lever waiting for it to boil.

I went to the fridge grabbing a fruit salad I had made this morning and grabbed a fork. I then went and pure myself a cup of tea but stopped when u heard Lou say to one of the boys "I'm a piece of shit"

Once I had my tea in hand and was walking past then I stopped and Lou looked up at me.

"Yes you are." I said and walked back to my bunk.

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