The End

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I can't eat, I can't sleep, I can't talk and I just can't function. I just don't see any reason to do anything now it's been four days since I lost him. My baby boy gone. He was born stillborn. I couldn't attend the funeral, it was too hard. All I've been doing is laying in my bed staring up at roof. I haven't moved. The boys have been trying to get me to eat or drink or even just change my pyjamas but I can't find the energy to do so. All I know is Brooke is with Gemma, Harry's sister.

I'm exhausted but every time i close my eyes I can get my little boy, his perfect feature, his little hand, little fingers, the little bits of dark blonde hair and his long eyelashes resting on his cheek bones.

I could feel the tears slip from my eyes once again. I turned round on my side and hugged my pillow into my chest as I silently cried.

A knock came from my bedroom door I sighed but stayed quiet.

"Chloe? Chloe? You have to eat, I made you some chicken soup." Niall's voice followed.

I stayed quiet pretending I was asleep hoping he would leave, but no the door opened and my eyes shot closed hoping he would again think I'm asleep. I heard no noise until his arms wrapped around me.

"I know your not asleep, you haven't been sleeping." He whispered into my ear. He walked me out into the hall and into the kitchen, the bring sunlight shining through the huge window stung my eyes that were used to the cozy darkness. I saw the other boys sitting around the table, eating and drink and simply talking.

"Niall put me down" my hoarse voice quietly spoke, all heads turned towards us and a smile broke out on Louis face.

"I want to go back to bed." I said quietly.

Niall sat me down on his knee and hugged me into his chest.

"Please eat something pet, you look so frail" Louis quietly. I shook my head and continued to cuddle Niall.

My hand rested in my stomach and the boys caught my movement in the corner of there eyes and they turned to look at me with looks of pity.

"It's too hard" I muttered diverting my eyes. After a moment of silence I stood up and walked over to the counter where I saw Zayn's coat laying. I started rummaging through his pockets.

"Chloe what are you doing?" Zayn snapped trying to be nice but failing as Liam slapped him in the head.

I finally pulled out a cigarette and a lighter and walked to the patio door, I opened the door sitting down on the step and lighting the cigarette and placing it between my lips. I inhaled the toxic fumes and let a breath out through my nose.

I could see from the side of my eye the boys staring at me in shock, they never saw me smoke since the time I was into weed.

"Chloe, your dealing with this completely wrong.." Harry started, I through the cigarette down on the ground and jumped up onto my feet.

"Don't you dare tel me I'm dealing with this wrong, how the hell would you know, all you have to worry about is learning song lyrics, I looked after a child on my own for 3 years. I was looking forward to having a child with my boyfriend who would actually be with me this time, I had my flesh and blood growing inside of me! You will never understand how it is to be a mother! None of you will! I will just had my child die inside of me, do you expect me to dancing with joy?" I screamed inching towards Harry and finally I pushed him and he stumbled back losing his balance and falling on the ground.

I stormed out of the room ignoring the surprised and angry glared from the boys.

I could feel the tears streaming down my face once again. I ran up the stairs and into my room. I grabbed my bag and put in a knee length pink strapless dress, silver heels, my make up bag, and grabbed some paper and pens.

I wiped my eyes and sat down, at the desk near the window, I started to write what I had to say to each of the boys and Brooke. I slipped the sheets into an envelope and placed it on the desk. I took another sheet and wrote what I to say tit Brooke. I unclipped the necklace from around my neck and slipped it into the envelop along with the letter for Brooke.

I signed it off and placed it on the desk and stood up pushing in the chair and stumbling out of the room. I could see the boys in the living room around a crying Louis. I set the bag near the front door and ran into him.

I ran up to him wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I love you, Louis. I always have and I always will. I'm sorry." I said pulling away from him.

"Chloe, w-what, no stop" he said reaching out for my arm.

"No Louis. I have to. I'm sorry, i really am." I cried running out of the house after grabbing my bag.

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I didn't understand I thought she was saying sorry about Harry.

"What's going on?" I asked to myself forgetting I was with the boys.

Everything was silent for a moment then Zayn bounced off his seat.

"Oh my god no." He muttered and bolted up the stairs. We all went up after him. When he gained on him he was in Chloe's room, our room and I found him holding two envelops.

"Get . In . The . Car . Now" he gasped.

I couldn't even feel my feet moving underneath me but next thing I knew we were all in the car speeding off towards her old apartment.

I'm sorry. I can't deal with the pain. It's was getting too hard. Remember when we were in high school and cheri died. I was depressed for months. Well it's worse than that. I'm sorry for leaving you. For leaving Brooke, but I know you will raise her to be everything I ever wanted her to be.

Louis, you probably think I'm being selfish ending my life at the age of 21. But I've had a hard life. My parents don't want me, my friends abandoned me, my baby died, inside of me. I just want to be at peace. I really hope you understand. I want you to promise me and yourself three things.

1. You I'll move on and be happy, you won't leave me lingering about.

2. Treat Brooke like the princess she is. Please give her what she deserves and make sure she knows I love her.

3. Never forget me.

I want you to tell all the boys I love them, I'm sorry. They were the best friends I ever had. And I wish I hadn't of pushed Harry.

I have left all my bank cards and details in a box under the bed I want the money to go to Brooke and yourself.

Lastly don't open the other letter that is addressed to Brooke. I want you to keep it safe and give it to her on her 16th birthday. Hopefully then she will understand, and have some closure. Just tell her I love her and I'm watching her. But don't mention the letter until her 16th.

I love you Louis, so much.
-Chloe Ritchie xx


They all stood around her coffin that held her body, she shot her self. Swallowed a bullet. The clothes and make up in the bag were what she wanted to wear in her coffin.

Louis held a hard face holding back his emotion and Brooke stood holding a buck of roses that she threw in onto the wooden casket one by one.

Brooke was a lot smarter than anyone though, she knew her mother was dead and she killed herself she knew her daddy was hurt she knew what was going on.

What she didn't know, was that her life in the future would be crazy. She isn't know her had left her a letter saying why she did it.

Brooke only had her daddy.

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